Stop the NRA Rally: EPIC FAIL

  The "Stop the NRA" rally took place today in Washington D.C. Sponsoring organizations include Public Campaign, Occupy the NRA, CREDO, Every Child Matters, Moveon, United For Change, USA, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, The Other 98%, and We Act Radio. By our count on the pictures, each organization might…

7 in 10 Americans want a gun when chips are down

  While we're still waiting for the groundswell of support for gun control the leftist gun-haters claim is out there. (Reason) - Claiming support from nine out of 10 Americans, President Obama and former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) angrily urged the public to rise up in righteous fury and demand…

CRIMINALS KNOW: Need a gun? Kill a cop.

[caption id="attachment_7272" align="alignnone" width="512"] (04/22/13-Cambridge,MA) MIT Police Chief John DiFava is hugged by a member of the MIT community, shortly after a moment of silence that commemorated the one week mark of the Boston Marathon bombings, a terror attack that led to the killing of MIT Police officer Sean Collier.…

Tennessee State Senator enrages gun-hating leftists

  A little old state senator in Tennessee has enraged gun-hating, far-left liberals with his mockery of them following the recent Boston islamic terror attack. Tennessee State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) added a blog post to his personal blog in recent days entitled, "Here comes Feinstein again".   Campfield's blog…