by John Boch

We’re bringing this to our members and friends because we not only believe it to be true, but have learned of corroborating information that further supports it.  You can read this synopsis, which will take ten or fifteen minutes.  Toward the end, I’ve included a video interview of a CIA analyst done by Shawn Ryan that’s worth your time, but it’s over two hours long.  And I’ve also included a link to purchase the book, Al-Qaeda 2.0: The Upcoming Attack on the United States and Europe Unveiled (Understanding Global Jihad).  That book will take you two to six hours to read, depending on how well you read and how carefully you review the information.

They’re already here.  Here’s what to know.  And how to prepare.

(GSL) – Did you know Osama Bin Laden’s son Hamza remains alive and well?  Yes, he is still sucking oxygen.

Did you know that he’s brought virtually all of the major Islamic terror groups together under the banner of the “Islamic Army?”  He has.  The Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda (including chapters in the Arabian Peninsula, Maghreb, Sinai Peninsula, and the Indian subcontinent), Boko Haram, and a dozen plus other als0-ran groups.  What’s more, even Sunnis and Shias have put aside their hatred and distrust of one another to partner with Hamza towards his Islamic Army’s ultimate goal.  Yes, many of these groups and factions had different ideas about how to carry out their savage barbarism, but they’ve united under Hamza bin Laden’s leadership with its ultimate goal to create a global caliphate.

And after Biden left Afghanistan, Hamza and company have set up at least forty – count ’em 40 – terrorist training camps.   They’ve trained roughly 120,000 fighters since setting up these camps.  And spoiler alert:  your taxes are paying for it.

Yep, not kidding.

If you’re like 99.44% of Americans, you probably had little or no idea.  It is, after all, it doesn’t reflect well on the people running American foreign policy.


Multi-faceted attack planned

Hamza and his inner circle have planned a sophisticated, multi-faceted attack upon America’s homeland.  It’s the most comprehensive plan since the September 11th attacks.

It’s complicated, but here are the parts of it most likely to impact you, me and our families.

One prong of their plan to bring America to its knees through a whole series of coordinated “Mumbai”-style attacks.

You do remember the “Mumbai” terror attacks in India?  Where 10 of those “fight until you’re dead” Islamic terrorists rampaged over three days in India’s financial, commercial, and entertainment capital before they were shot down like feral dogs? (Or hogs?)  They killed 175 people, wounded hundreds more and damaged or destroyed tens of millions in property.  To say nothing of the damage to the national psyche of India’s residents.

Hamza has planned dozens of attacks like that one in at least ten larger American cities.  At the same time.

(There’s also plans for similar attacks in Europe, but we’re primarily focusing on what’s coming for America’s heartland, where you, me and our families live.)

To carry out this attack, Hamza’s bin Laden’s “Islamic Army” has trained at least one thousand of its best, most experienced operatives for this mission.  Make no mistake, these aren’t the equivalent of Wal-mart contract security guards with guns.  From the Al-Quaeda 2.0 book:

“These operatives are highly-trained, battle-hardened fighters specifically chosen for their skills, experience and commitment to the cause.  They’ve fought in almost all Jihadi combat zones…”

Yeah, they picked the top 1% or so of their 120,000 fighters for this mission, folks.

Obviously psychological warfare will be a big part of their attacks and these savage monsters have been trained in the art of livestreaming murder, rape and mayhem.

Just like their brethren who attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, these criminal “fighters” will livestream their raping and barbaric killing of innocents via social media.

Worth repeating: the “Islamic Army” trained most of the primary attackers in Israel’s October 7th attacks, but more on that in a moment.

They will also be trained in urban warfare, something your average American is not.  Training has also included insurgency work as they’re hoping for Islamic “refugees” in America to join their little jihad once it kicks off, and they will sweeten the pot by promising radicalized Muslims in America positions of leadership and power if they do well.

Yes, the Mumbai attacks were kind of amateur hour compared to the “October 7th” style attack against Israel and what’s planned for America.  Hamza and his leaders want to bring that Israel experience to America – only orders of magnitude larger.  And they aren’t going after just “symbolic” targets.  Instead, Hamza wants to hit targets that will inflict real and lasting damage to Western societies.  More on that in a moment.

These terrorists spent the better part of 2024 in training – paid for at those training camps with $60 to $80 million of American foreign “aid” each month(!) that do-gooders in the Biden State Department have sent to Afghanistan, Syria and other unfriendly Middle-Eastern nations.

Now that training has completed, these “fighters” have come to America in recent weeks through fake travel documents or by crossing America’s southern border after coming through Central America.

This is on top of Hezbollah sleeper agents, estimated to number up to 30,000 or more already here.


Suicide bombers!  In America.

Suicide bomber attacks will comprise just one prong of the Homeland attacks. Americans have never experienced suicide bomber attacks up close and personal.  Reportedly the “Islamic Army” has even developed suicide bomb vests that will sail right through traditional metal detectors currently employed in America to “secure” many government buildings and installations.

Let me distill that for you:  Present day metal detectors won’t detect these new bomb vests.  That means it could be a bad day at the Illinois State Capitol building, for instance.  Or the Illinois Supreme Court.  Or the US Supreme Court.  Imagine one of these lunatics sitting in the gallery at a US Supreme Court oral argument session, for instance.  Or in the gallery overlooking Congress.  Or both.  On the same day.

Moreover, these Islamic Army terrorists use new components that our explosive-sniffing dogs haven’t been trained to detect.  Your explosive-sniffing K-9 has been neutered.

Oh, by the way:  information suggests that Russia is helping to facilitate supplies for these teams as payback for all of the armament the US has sent to the Ukraine war.


Urban “combat”

Many if not most of the (non-suicide bomber) attackers come trained as well as experienced in advanced urban combat.  However, the only real “combat” they’re likely to encounter is with law enforcement or the occasional armed civilian – at least at first.  Most of their “urban combat” will involve slaughtering unarmed men, women and children.

The women and children may be raped and sodomized before they are killed.  Some may even have the acts live-streamed to the Internet.

Hamza Bin Laden’s boys plan to launch widespread, coordinated attacks on public venues to maximize casualties.   It will be a lot like shooting fish in a barrel, especially in anti-gun urban areas and even states like California where laws have led to a dearth of armed citizens.  Among the obvious targets are schools, churches, airports, train stations, hospitals, daycares, hotels, shopping malls,  even high-end restaurants.  The tangos will organize multiple strikes in the same city to overwhelm local law-enforcement and allow them to maximize the casualty counts.  Expect secondary attacks, too, via improvised explosives or gunfire.


Targeting infrastructure.

Other cells will target America’s infrastructure.  Our nation’s refineries are very lightly guarded.  If they’re able to use improvised explosives at a few of these refineries, all sudden gasoline and diesel may suddenly become scarce and expensive.   Are you ready to see $10 gasoline and potentially even scarcity at gas stations?  But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

They will also hit pipelines, oil storage terminals (like the one in Champaign, for instance) and maybe even natural gas storage fields.  If we can’t ship natural gas, or storage fields get savaged, how will people in the cities heat their homes?  And what happens if they go after drilling operations?

These Islamic terrorists will also attack railways, causing derailments or worse.  They plan to poison or destroy water treatment plants, and maybe sewage treatment facilities.  Along the way, they’ll attack America’s power grid by destroying expensive transformers by shooting them.  (Bullet holes allow the coolant oil to leak out, then the transformers overheat and burn rather vigorously.)

Then there’s attacks on our communication system…  if they could cripple the Internet, they could pretty much block electronic transactions as most folks don’t carry cash today.

Some cells will be tasked with attacking police stations, national guard armories and maybe even military installations with an eye towards acquiring more weapons and ammunition to continue the attacks and to equip their new “recruits”.   It’ll also demoralize law enforcement and create the public perception that there’s little or nothing law enforcement can do to keep Joe and Jane Sixpack safe in their communities.

But an even more obvious target will be large firearms stores that stock lots of firearms, ammunition, magazines, etc.  They’ll be an easy target to loot of weapons and ammunition.  Even smaller gun shops will be a prime target for arms and ammo for these attackers should they need resupply.


Overall goals.

Bin Laden’s goals?  There are many, but the big one initially is to kill 50,000 – 60,000 Americans as well as crippling our nation’s infrastructure in a coordinated series of attacks throughout our nation. Targeting the grid, electrical substations, water plants, refineries, railways, pipelines and communications could cripple large swaths of our nation. They also want to take out bridges too for added fun and excitement.

Again, Hamza bin Laden’s goals are to inflict real, lasting damage to our infrastructure and the American psyche.

Beyond the first days (and in his mind, hopefully weeks of continuing chaos), Bin Laden’s longer-term goals with the attacks are to secure real estate to allow his people to rest, rearm and operate with impunity in new  “autonomous” areas.  These will be heavily fortified and these brave bastards will use civilians as human shields when they aren’t raping their way through those trapped within the enclaves.


That’s not all.  He wants to cripple American government too with another prong of his attack.

Under Hamza bin Laden, the Islamic Army has spent a separate $180 million – each month – training up another special elite cadre intent on taking out President Trump in revenge for the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian general cut to ribbons during DJT’s first term.

This is a separate group dedicated to killing Trump and attacking American government. Among their desired targets besides assassinating government leaders: the US Capitol Building because it represents American government leadership.  And who knows, maybe they’ll send squads to take out state capitol buildings and kill as many elected officials at the state level too.

$180 million buys a lot of fancy tools and toys with which to carry out attacks upon our President, his family, as well as other American elected officials.  And Congress.  Drones, for instance.  Lots of new drones.


Any warning signs of impending attack?

Here’s a bit of good news.  Another area of attacks that may presage the American “Homeland” attacks and the attempt on Trump will be embassy attacks in Europe and Africa.  The Islamic Army has another 1000 fighters dedicated to European attacks against these embassies, as well as other targets.  If you see coordinated terror attacks in Europe, especially those targeting embassies, you know the time is near for the American “Homeland” attacks.


Are the “Islamic Army” fighters any good?

As mentioned above, these are battle-hardened veterans of Jihadi conflicts.  And they’ve trained a lot of them.  120,000 or more.

Trained Islamic Army members conducted the Oct. 7 attack against Israel.  How did that turn out?  (Spoiler:  It was the bloodiest attack against Jews since World War II.)

They also sent 10,000 trained, battle-hardened fighters to Syria a few months ago.  We all see what happened there.  They toppled the Syrian government forces in a matter of weeks at most.

Again, they’ve reserved the very best of the best for their attacks on the American homeland, to take out Trump and the American government, and to attack American embassies in Europe and the Middle East.  Again, as mentioned earlier, there are comprehensive plans to attack Western Europe at the same time.


What can you do?

What can you do as a good American?  Quite a bit actually.

The best weapon you have doesn’t ride on your belt.  It’s your situational awareness.  A close second place goes to your intuition.  Practice good situational awareness.  If you see something, say something.

If you find yourself in the middle or fringes of an attack, don’t panic.  Don’t freeze up.

Take action, and break the freeze.  Get your family out of danger or if you can’t do so safely, find cover.  If you can engage, great.   Use good tactics and Godspeed.

If you don’t see anything obviously wrong, but your body is giving you that “hair standing up on the back of your neck” message, LISTEN TO IT.   That’s your intuition.  Don’t dismiss it.   Your intuition always has your best interests at heart and is usually right.  Ignore it at your own peril.  Remember:  denial has no survival value.

Carry your gun.

Carry your gun each and everyday – and carry something bigger and badder than a North American Arms .22.  If deep concealment is a must for you, there are several very small yet very capable defensive handguns on the market now.  For instance:  The SIG P365, Ruger LCP Max, S&W Bodyguard 2 to name a few.

Practice shooting – more than 30 or even 50 rounds every five years. The life you save might be your own.  Or your families’.  It might be mine!

What else can you do?  While you can’t drop fifty extra pounds and get yourself into shape in the next few weeks, you can keep your car’s gas tank full, and ditto for your medicine cabinet, particularly when it comes to life-sustaining medications for members of your household.

You can also lay the groundwork to network with family, friends and neighbors to do your essential errands together and look out for one another.

Do you live in an apartment?  Especially a high-density apartment complex?  Now is a good time to start making arrangements with friends or family members to hang with them if the utilities go down.

Something else to ponder:  when these guys “take over” apartment complexes and start kicking doors and executing everyone they come into contact with (except for the women they chose to rape first), you probably don’t want to be around for that.  So if you’re unarmed and/or if the power goes out, you might want to find a new place to stay, el pronto.

Smaller apartment complexes, or those in small towns are probably at minimal risk.  Large complexes, especially high-rise units in larger cities are another story entirely.

If you live in a house, have a well-maintained generator, spare fuel, parts and oil. That will keep your food from spoiling and your basement from flooding.  Depending on the size of your generator, twenty gallons would probably serve you well for a week or two of judicious use.  Double that for larger generators, minimum.

Have another 10-20 gallons of fuel (depending on your primary transportation’s gas tank size) to allow you the ability to evacuate if your town sees Islamic Army attacks.  Again, gas stations may not have fuel and if they have it, they might not take plastic or you might not be able to afford to fill your tank if gas is selling for $19.98 per gallon.  Cash only, thank you.

Don’t panic.

If/when attacks do happen in America, don’t panic. Don’t disseminate graphic videos. Minimize personal risks to you and your family by avoiding crowded public locations.

If you venture out, do so with armed friends where feasible as there is safety in numbers.  If possible, take a couple of cars to do your essential errands like getting food, fuel and medicine, and make sure there are a couple of competent shooters in each car, potentially with long guns handy.   Get those groceries at a smaller grocery store instead of a Walmart, Target or Meijer.  Why?  More people at a Walmart will make it a more tempting target for tangos.  The Walmarts and similar large stores will probably see lots of panic buying anyway as the herd will stampeded there out of habit.

At the same time, it might be better to go sooner rather than later to get your milk, eggs, butter and bread.  And all those other fresh fruits, vegetables and meats.  Get them while the stores have them and before civil unrest breaks out as people begin to panic after a few days.

Kids in schools?  I hate to say it, but I wouldn’t send mine to school until authorities get a handle on the situation.  Ditto for daycares.  University students?  That’s a call you can make.

Prudent peeps will avoid any area where large groups (we’re talking hundreds or thousands, not dozens) assemble for whatever reason.  Yes, I’m not going to see Taylor Swift even if I had backstage passes.  She definitely isn’t worth dying to see.  Neither are college basketball games.

As for “No Guns” signage? We don’t usually tell folks to break the law here at GSL.  But if America is under attack by barbarian bastards with guns, you’re an imprudent fool to abide by those “disarmed victim” signs. Concealed means concealed. If Johnny Jihad shows up, you can’t burn him down if you left your little friend in the car or at home.

Not only that, but if attacks start, I’ll be borrowing a boat and a magnet and retrieving those PICA regulated guns I lost in boating accidents and you should too.

Practice “home carry” especially if you live in apartment complexes or other high-density housing. If not home carry, have your gun (preferably a long gun) very handy inside the home.

Got armor?  Times like this that make that purchase worth every penny.

As for going to work, you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of that.

I will say you’ve probably heard of those “Take your kid to work” days, right?

Consider proclaiming your own “take your gun to work” day and practice it religiously.

Speaking of religion, definitely take your gun to church / temple.  If you’re part of a big church (as in hundreds at a service) or a mega church with thousands present, they you better have a skilled security team operating on all cylinders.  These Islamic Army barbarians hate Christians almost as much as they hate Jews.

Does you church or temple ban guns?  Time to find a new one  – especially if it’s a big, juicy target for terrorists.


When it comes to first aid, how are your bleeding control skills?  Do you know how to apply a tourniquet?  How about pack a wound?  Do you even have a tourniquet?   I’d heartily recommend seeking out a “Stop the Bleed” course… like yesterday.  You can order “Stop the Bleed” kits at Amazon for something like $70.  Or decently provided trauma kits for $100 or so.  (I’d recommend North American Rescue for the top tier stuff.)


Lastly, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pray for God to watch over America, either.

Be safe, prudent and prepared. Be the lion, not the sheep.


The Muslim training camp in Northeastern Illinois

So I shared this at our LaSalle County meeting this past week.  I should have apologized for throwing a wet blanket on what was otherwise a very positive, happy and merry Christmas atmosphere.

People were visibly stunned.

Afterwards, a local government official approached me and said that within the last ten days or so, the local sheriff discussed with him how law-enforcement had identified a Muslim compound about 40 northeast of Utica with extensive gunfire heard by neighbors, no matter the weather.  Cold?  Rain?  Cold rain?  They’re out there shooting, everyday.  A lot.

“That sounds kind of concerning,” I said.

“That’s what the sheriff said,” he replied.

I’d also be remiss if I didn’t mention that back in 2001, the FBI arrested two Bradley University students (in Peoria) who were part of the 9/11 terror attack, but for whatever reason, they didn’t fly that day.

In other words, this isn’t an “over there” problem.  It’s in our communities all around us.  AND Illinois will certainly be on the front lines, whether we want to be or not.

Denial has no survival value.


As promised here’s the Shawn Ryan show link.

It’s been seen about 1.1 million times, so people are watching this.  Make that 1.2 million times in the couple of days I’ve been working on this post.


For more information on this brewing plot, read the book  (you can order it from Amazon Al-Qaeda 2.0: The Upcoming Attack on the United States and Europe Unveiled (Understanding Global Jihad).

Fair warning:  This book may cause sleep disturbances.  Bigtime.

At the same time, it might save your life of that of your family.

Don’t be caught flat-footed, folks.

25 thoughts on “RED ALERT: ‘Islamic Army’ to launch multi-faceted, coordinated attack against America’s homeland very soon”
  1. Taking a break from wrapping the grandkids’ presents and thought I would relax and visit the GSL website.
    Christ, I need a drink now. Make that two. No way am I sharing this with the wife until after the holiday.

    1. David, you are one deranged individual. You need to seek help for your mental illness. Sooner rather than later.

  2. Quite a few years ago, I came to the conclusion that if fifty percent of the people were aware of fifty percent of what was really happening in the world, we’d have street lights posted every three feet, people would sleep in shifts and we’d never know night time again as we currently know it. Get prayed-up, Sheepdogs. (2 Timothy 1:7)

  3. Well; I have one disagreement with Johns report, I believe it’s actually worse than what John is reporting. A Muslim insurgency is a small part of the coming Chaos.

    1. If that was true WGN (all commie all of the time) would be there asking them if assault weapons are good for America. Also passing out social security applications.

    2. Gip,
      My questions is, if probable cause exists, why isn’t the IL AG filing charges under 720 ILCS 5/29D-10(n) Terroristic Material Support or Resources (training) to shut them down? Or is that just going to be enforced against IL/US legal residents with FOID/CCL cards?

  4. “David Deplorable” sounded like someone was playing sockpuppet with his handle. Sure enough, the email didn’t match. The fake David has been deleted.

    1. It’s our house, not YOUR house. Act like a decent human being and you’ll be fine. Start hurling personal attacks and you’ll find your time here is short.
      ETA: “Andrew” was really the same person sockpuppetting David Deplorable. That handle’s gone too.

    2. You know I’ve never seen combat but I’m guessing that every red blooded American boy who’s ever thrown rocks at another boy or had a snowball fight or shot at another kid with a BB gun or bow and arrow can probably take on this Islamic Army. The wonderful thing is that because of organizations like guns save life we have the right to arm ourselves, and those who are not presently armed are just morons. This threat sounds very much like the novel written by William forstchen called “day of Wrath,” and I’m just surprised that it hasn’t happened yet. Oh well me and mine have been practicing and procuring and I can say this in all honesty that the moment that any of these swarthy Fellers start their shenanigans I’m going to lose all pretense of Civility. And the funny thing is that I live amongst a bunch of good old boys who think nothing of shooting a hog in the head and nothing of thanking a cow in the head. In fact some of them kind of relish it! Imagine what happens when we have free rein! And I’ll tell you this if I catch any of these swarthy Fellers doing their rapey stuff , well, medieval torture is going to look like a f****** day in the park when I’m done with them. There’s a scene in forsten’s novel one second after where our protagonist has to be the man who executes the criminals who caused the deaths of the retirees at the nursing home. I’ve lived that time time and time and time again and because I’ve been confronted with these things since I was a boy (i’ve had to defend against a murderer) I am resigned to being that guy. I will do so with a clear mind and a clear conscience and knowing that it is a holy war and that I stand on the side of God! If America doesn’t realize this then she’s dead. For those of you who don’t realize this get it straight because it is a war of religious fervor and if you don’t recognize that you’re dead too.

      Now on a side note to JB well written sir well done well written! This is why we come here!

    3. My thoughts exactly, John, as evidenced by months (years?) past, my guess is tranny-Travis/moron-Mary, they seemed to be the ones doing the same mischief to me a while back, at almost every post. Hope they are gone and forgotten, democRATT TROLLS that they are/were.

  5. Wow. Just wow. And they have a training camp in Illinois? Do we think they would be that brazen to do all of that shooting where neighbors could hear and complain? That sounds like amateurs, not these “battle-hardened” fighters you mentioned. Who knows. I’m ready. Let’s get this shit on. I’m ready to play Cowboys and Muslims.

  6. In the very long article, I didn’t see a single mention of our government and its alphabet agencies being proactive regarding any of this. It’s apparently well known, so they certainly have to be aware of it and you’d think doing something about it. Or, would this be like 9/11 and they wait until it happens and then look back to see what else they could have done? Are they still too busy going after Jan. 6 peaceful protesters to bother themselves with anything else?

  7. First thanks to the powers that be for watching out for scoundrels using my nickname. Bravo.

    This is some scary stuff. I am not sure if I should thank you or curse you. It feels like getting a lump of coal under the tree.

    Gipper said no mention of alphabet agencies… not true. Sounds like the Dept of State and their alphabet soup of agencies are doing great funding this shit. Probably given for things like DEI and “Women’s Rights”. Idiots.

  8. That’s right, this is OUR house. In here, we defend police but don’t explain that we defend them killing innocent people and getting away with it because of qualified immunity or deceiving the public into giving up their 4th Amendment rights on a traffic stop through lying and intimidation. In here, we support the 2nd Amendment but support enforcing gun control even more……….we just blame Democrats and hope no one notices who’s actually carrying out Pritzker’s agenda. In here, we love free speech as long as we agree with the message. In here, we don’t tolerate personal attacks unless it’s fuah talking about “fags” and the like. In here, we like straight people who don’t call bullshit. This is OUR house!

    1. Friend!

      You’re a little behind the times. Even John Boch has come to practically despise the police.

      We have turned around his way of thinking He’s no longer a boot likker He’s as Disgusted with them as we are!! So just keep bombarding him with stories of cops murdering people and maybe he’ll come full circle.

      Now all we have to do is turn him around on the censorship issue!!

  9. It will be multiple, simultaneous, scattered, cities and towns, communities, travel zones, communication centers, schools, soft targets, with small teams, improvised tactics. Chaos. Terror.

  10. Afterwards, a local government official approached me and said that within the last ten days or so, the local sheriff discussed with him how law-enforcement had identified a Muslim compound about 40 northeast of Utica with extensive gunfire heard by neighbors, no matter the weather.
    The location 40 northeast of Utica? Is this 40 Miles? If so then this could be in Kendall or DeKalb Counties.
    John, can you give a better discription?

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