
Dec 25, 2024

Merry Christmas.

And since the majority of voters who actually voted pulled the lever for these two carnival barkers, it seems fitting to put them on our State Christmas Card cover.

Heck, we could make this the new State of Illinois flag.  Wouldn’t that be just perfect?

7 thoughts on “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
  1. The new Illannoy state flag should be an outline of the state with arrows pointing in every direction away from the state, since that’s where residents are going. It should also contain the new spelling-Illannoy.
    Read recently that according to projections, the state will lose another congressional seat after the next census, but yet Prickster and his band of goons think that there is no population loss.
    Actually it’s a gain for the good guys, as the seats will go to red states, and likely be a Republican seat.

    What do you Guys and Gals think of this video.
    This is from the National Association for Gun Rights;
    The ATF did it again …..
    When government goes rogue Do we still support them. Flash Bangs were fired into a mans Home on a Bogus warrant. Guns were pointed at his family. They were going to shoot his son.
    I support Brandon Herrera for the LAST ATF Director. ABOLISH THE ATF… NOW!!!!!!!!!

  3. Merry Christmas Jboch? Non-full of themselves people say HAPPY HOLIDAYS out of respect for others. The world doesn’t revolve around Christians. Sorry Mr. self-righteous it’s not always about you. Other faiths celebrate this time of year in their own way too. Get the fuck over yourselves! Let’s see here, Christians believe in talking snakes yet ignore mixed fabrics and shellfish because it is inconvenient. It’s not about following the bible for you. It’s about using your cherry-picked bible to control others and everyone knows it. If you think the culture changed since this election you might wanna try again. The shoe is on the other foot now and those of us that know the Earth is 4-5 billion years old, not think it’s 6,000 years, flat or square or whatever else are going to be a thorn in the side of you primitive neanderthals holding the human race back. Enjoy the next 4 years. The above average IQ’s out there are going to piss in your Cheerios so you had better stay in your cultural lane – in church, where your fairy tales belong. The rest of us don’t want it. Nor will low IQ propaganda be tolerated.

    1. WOW !!!! Look at all the rage and bitterness boiling over in Albert. I’ve known a loon or 2 that has a major hatred for Christianity / God / those with faith. Usually they’ve been bitter because their life is shit and they can’t be responsible so it’s God that’s out to get them. God has been good to everyone else but them. Albert seems angry enough to do something stupid to lash out ( lets hope he has some self control or some meds to keep the madness at a simmer rather than a boil over ). Mixed fabrics ? Shellfish ? shoe on the other foot ? cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo. I must also comment on the primitive neanderthals holding back the human race….. The USA is the greatest nation on Earth, it was founded by CHRISTIANS, and still is majority CHRISTIAN. Are those the cave dwellers you speak of ? Yes we have other faiths but this is a Christian majority country so that’s why we say Merry Christmas. Let me wish you a very Merry Christmas and I will pray for you.

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