For the fourth or fifth time in the past few years, someone at the Peoria Post Office has slow-walked processing and mailing of GunNews Magazines.  The common theme:  Headlines that might trigger radical leftists.  The most recent example:  The December 2024 issue that featured the “GSL won!  Trump won!” headline.

If you will recall, other issues have gone missing for weeks, or even months.  Whoever is doing this knows they can’t sideline the pallet full of thousands of copies of GunNews for too long, because we get members (plural) of Congress involved if they are delayed more than a month or so.

So they “misplace” the pallet full of dated GunNews for a few weeks and then send it out about a month after we deliver it from the printer.  A whole lot of us got our copies of GunNews last Friday or Saturday – fully four weeks and two or three days since they were dropped off at the Peoria facility.

Why are we sure it happens at the Peoria facility?  Because all of our members get their copy in the mail no matter which part of the state they live in, and nobody gets it in the 5 to 8 days after they are dropped at the Peoria Post Office facility all sorted and properly labelled.  And paid for.

Last year, later in the year, this issue faced a similar delay getting to our members.

A few years ago we had one issue that came FOUR MONTHS LATE – and only after we got members of Congress asking questions of the Postal people and me demanding a refund of our mailing fee.

We never got an explanation or a refund.

However, if we continue to experience issues like this, we may be asking for a meeting with the boss of the Peoria facility and maybe postal inspectors.  It has to be a federal crime to deadline mail willfully and maliciously.


6 thoughts on “Peoria Post Office staffer gets triggered… ‘misplaces’ GunNews for weeks. Again.”
  1. Live in Decatur and haven’t seen January 2025 issue in mail. The issue has been at my local gun range and gun stores for a week. hmmm.

  2. This has been an ongoing issue for years just as John states. One guy accused GSL of not getting them mailed properly. Here is a little inside baseball. On the day GN is ready to ship, many of our members go to Peoria to pick them up. Two pallets come to Springfield and surrounding areas. Two of our members distribute them to me and various other drop off points. Usually, I drive mine to Ashland, Jacksonville and parts of Springfield on the same day. Havana and Canton get theirs a few days later. One of our members drives clear to Quincy to drop them off there, and along the way. An army of GSL members drive thousands of miles every month to see that you all get them in a timely manner. They do this without any compensation whatsoever. This is why you see GN in the stores long before you see them in the mail. There is a new sheriff in town, and I think the USPS should get their act together.

    1. The ‘hmmm’ from previous post was to do with the post office. I am not the only member that appreciates the volunteer work performed by other members of our community. Thank You for that. It is nice when John posts the GN online. I routinely wait for USPS to do their thing while leaving the GN available for others at stores.

  3. Absolutely time to involve the postmaster. Make up a package of your columns documenting the obvious delays. Put a cover letter on it and request the Postmaster contact you to discuss the matter. If it is in writing it exists and you should get attention (it’s the GOV way…oh crap, there’s a paper trail, we better answer!)

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