GunNews Magazine, the May 2024 edition, is now available for download.  Share the file or the link with your friends, neighbors, family and others.


Instructor Michael Brown.

We recognize Instructor Michael Brown who holds the distinction of one of only a handful of men to grace the cover of GunNews over the years.  Congrats to him.  He’s doing great work, both on the range and off the range with Chicago residents.


GunNews mail deliveries erratic. We know.

Yes, we know some folks aren’t getting their copies of GunNews in a timely manner. The US Post Office in Peoria “lost” a pallet of GunNews back in November and they were delivered (checking notes) 96 days after we mailed then in November. Now the April 2024 issue, with a less triggering cover, is all over the map. Some came in a few days.

So we know for the April issue it’s not the Peoria Post Office. We had members in Arizona (like the one pictured above) receive their copies less than a week after they were mailed on March 20th. And others in the suburbs got theirs several days into April. It seems pretty erratic. But at least they didn’t sit on them for three months this time.

This month’s issues (MAY 2024) seem to be doing better.  Maybe a member of Congress asking some questions has had the intended result.  We’ll see.