So firearms are the mechanism of injury in about 60,000 ER visits each month.  Thank you CNN:

Let’s look at some more common reasons why people visit the ER, shall we?

  1. Floors: 2.135 million hospital visits
  2. Stairs or steps: 1.027 million hospital visits
  3. Beds or bed frames: 912,000 hospital visits
  4. Bathtubs or showers: 431,000 hospital visits
  5. Tables: 327,000 hospital visits
  6. Chairs: 319,000 hospital visits
  7. Interior ceilings and walls: 293,000 hospital visits
  8. Sofas, couches, davenports, divans, or studio couches: 211,000 hospital visits
  9. Rugs or carpets: 206,000 hospital visits
  10. Toilets: 204,000 hospital visits

Perhaps we should regulate floors, stairs, beds, bathtubs & showers, tables (no dancing on the tables, kids), chairs (ditto), sofas, rugs (!), and last but not least, toilets.

6 thoughts on “Guns are dangerous? Not so much… not compared to floors, stairs, beds and bathtubs…”
  1. What a shitty problem. I am surprised we don’t have more injured communists given how full of shit they are.

  2. 2022 statistics from “National Electronic Injury Surveillance System.” Big Bro is watching.

  3. I’m sorry, but I’m calling BULLSHIT on these statistics.

    THere’s NO WORLD in which over TWO MILLION PEOPLE had to go to the emergency room EVERY MONTH because they tripped or fell on the floor. Nor a MILLION from stairs or steps. The others are equally suspect. DID NOT happen.

    It didn’t happen. SOmeone’s lying. Period.

    Don’t just accept statistics, folks, 75% of the time they’re made up, 19% of the time they’re just plain faked and 28% of the time they’re based on WRONG datum.

  4. OK, something’s not right here. Per the linked “Coder News Network” story “In 2022, the average number of weekly visits reached 1,170”. That equates to 4680/mo or 14,040/year.
    Where does the 60,000 come from?

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