In a win for privacy, Ring will cease allowing police agencies to “request” doorbell cam footage from its users. There are a LOT of these cameras out there. You can’t drive through decent neighborhoods and not see them at what seems like every other house. In fact, all three houses next to me sport Ring cameras.
I suppose there’s nothing to keep local law enforcement from politely knocking on neighbors’ doors where they see these cameras or other home video surveillance and asking if they would be willing to share recordings. I image they would have to do so politely though. None of that Elyria, OH stuff.
This is where having a local PD that respects members of the community and treats them with respect and courtesy will pay off.
Meanwhile communities with PDs like Elyria, OH, who look upon the community with derision and as “the enemy,” will likely have a tougher time getting what they ask for. Brace yourself for rogue cops that make threats to arrest neighbors for “obstruction” if they fail to turn over footage. Again, bad cops will bad cop and need to answer for it in a court of law.
From the AP:
NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon-owned Ring will stop allowing police departments to request doorbell camera footage from users, marking an end to a feature that has drawn criticism from privacy advocates.
In a blog post on Wednesday, Ring said it will sunset the “Request for Assistance” tool, which allows police departments and other public safety agencies to request and receive video captured by the doorbell cameras through Ring’s Neighbors app.
The company did not provide a reason for the change, which will be effective starting this week.
I would strongly recommend against allowing Amazon automation into your home. Their privacy policies are VERY slack. The thought of having Amazon monitor anything in or around my home is pretty repulsive to me. I have an extensive professional grade camera system around my property with long term continuous recording and secure offsite backup, but I absolutely will never have any sort of automated listening device within my home. #NeverAlexa.
Sound advice from LRC. As for RING, LEO’s can still apply for court a order to obtain images from RING. RING still maintains the right to share images with LEOs without customer notice under limited circumstances.
Yes officer ? No sir, kindly piss off now.