Let’s face it:  Not all of us can all be in the top 20% of men.  Or 50%.  Or in the case of Tyler Hamlin (pictured above), the top 90%.  See, Tyler Hamlin, 31, somehow managed to get into the University of Illinois… my alma mater.  He then spent tens of thousands of dollars to get a Gender Studies degree.  We suspect, but don’t know for sure, that he has some big student debt hanging over him.

So, how’s that Gender Studies degree workin’ out for him?   Well, he’s reportedly homeless (first clue) and unemployed (clue #2).  Last year Tyler Hamlin, 31, was confronted by a CCW homeowner while burglarizing the guy’s garage in Chicago.

That’s right.  A homeowner with a concealed carry firearm used it to defend himself and his residence from the sticky-fingered University of Illinois gender-studies burglar. Proving once again that a good guy with a gun can stop a bad person with evil (and gender studies) in their heart.

In a miracle of sorts, Chicago cops were less than a minute away when the 911 call about a homeowner holding a burglary suspect at gunpoint came into dispatch.

Despite unsatisfactorily completing his last probation, while on probation, Judge Sharon Kanter gave him still more probation. Because, you know, probation really works.

We’re glad the homeowner didn’t need to shoot Tyler DRT in self-defense, but if he had, Mr. Homeowner would have saved himself and the rest of Illinois taxpayers money AND he would have saved future crime victims of this gender studies graduate.

CWB Chicago deserves a medal for covering real crime in Chicago.  Here’s the dope:

CHICAGO — Tyler Hamlin was charged with burglary last February after a concealed carry holder interrupted the break-in and held him at gunpoint until Chicago police arrived. This week, a judge sentenced Hamlin to probation.

He was already on probation for a criminal damage by fire case, which started as an aggravated arson charge, when the Wrigleyville gun owner detained him around 8:30 p.m. on February 6, 2023.

The CCL holder had received an alert from his security system that someone was on his front porch in the 3500 block of North Fremont. Prosecutors said he inspected the property and found Hamlin inside his garage. The homeowner warned Hamlin that he had a gun and ordered him to show his hands while his wife called 911.

“[The police] were here in about 45 seconds, and he couldn’t get out of the garage. I was standing in the door,” the homeowner told CBS2 last year.

Hamlin, 31, has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and gender and women’s studies from UIC, according to his defense attorney. Despite those credentials, he was homeless and unemployed at the time of the burglary.

He pleaded guilty to burglary this week in exchange for the sentence from Judge Sharon Kanter. His probation in the criminal damage to fire case was terminated unsatisfactorily, according to court records.

And Chicago wonders why it’s become a cesspool of violence and crime.

It could be worse. Chicago could be California where gun control has effectively disarmed all of the good guys and left the bad guys and gender studies experts to run roughshod on the productive folks in society.

8 thoughts on “What does a ‘Gender Studies’ degree from the University of Illinois get you? 1) Unemployed, 2) Homeless, 3) Arrested or 4) All of the above?”
  1. He looks like he’s been rode hard and put away wet for a $1 Bill. Imagine all the work it would require to rent an apt. In Chicago!?

    1. But if you illegally invade the US and get sent to “sanctuary city” Chitcago, you will get your “Oblah-ma- phone” a place to stay “rent-free” (taxpayer-paid) for at least six months/longer?, W T F!
      Pray for America, Joe Bribeim has probably already cancelled his “student loan” debt so he will be voting democRAT even if he happens to be jailed, oops, on “probation”, again for subsequent criminal activity, no worries?
      Maybe this guy is “studying” life as a homeless, unemployed criminal for his “post doctorate thesis” aka: (called) “life”, ya think? Pathetic.

  2. Before you start crowing; this man is white!
    In this woke society everything is against the white male. He probably went to the University of Illinois because of a girl friend or a high school counselor talked him into studying for a worthless degree.
    This whole G-D country is against the White man.

  3. UI employee “family hook” likely got him in at discounted tuition. Definitely a candidate for U.S. student loan debt forgiveness. Too bad the mayor can’t pay him as a ride-along violence interrupter with CPD to capitalize on that education.

    1. “a bachelor’s degree in psychology and gender and women’s studies from UIC”, perhaps he was/is trying to study his “identity”, to determine if he wants to be declared female, gay, tranny, a gay black lesbian, and the only thing he actually became is a pathetic, mentally dysfunctional criminal, unable to hold a job without a domicile other than the local homeless shelter.
      Higher education at it’s best? Welcome to Biden-omics in the real world.

    1. Who cares, “ken” aka: grifterlyingscum? (s)he/it does not want “work” or a “job””, idiot!

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