The elitists of the world hate that the little people can defend themselves and their families.  They do anything and everything they can to prove that gun control is racists, classist and sexist at every turn, despite the great majority of Americans not supporting those things.  So should it surprise anyone that NY AG Letitia James launched another attack on American gun owners.  She’s seeking to end the civilian sales of surplus 5.56mm ammunition from the Lake City Army Ammo plant.

She partnered with 19 other state attorneys general to prod the Biden Administration to shut down civilian sales of excess Lake City 5.56×45 ammunition.

Don’t think it will impact you if she’s successful?  Keep in mind that Lake City surplus represents fully 30% of 5.56 civilian sales of that caliber in the USA.

If they’re successful, that will sharply tighten supplies of 5.56 and cause prices to head back toward $1 per round.

Fortunately, it’s unlikely they’ll be successful.  I suspect this entire exercise was nothing but political theater as they play politics with your right to self-defense.

Here’s Letitia James’ press release:

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James led a multistate coalition of 20 attorneys general calling on the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to investigate recent reports that a federally funded contractor has produced military-grade ammunition for sale to civilians, including to perpetrators of horrific recent mass shootings. Attorney General James and the coalition sent a letter asking the Office to investigate how a facility overseen by the U.S. Army, Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (Lake City), produced billions of rounds of ammunition that were sold on the civilian market, and asked the Office to ensure that future military production contracts prohibit the sale of military-subsidized weapons and ammunition to civilians.

“Military-grade weapons and ammunition do not belong in our homes or in our communities,” said Attorney General James. “Ammunition made at Lake City has been used to kill American civilians in devastating recent mass shootings, including the Tops Supermarket massacre in Buffalo. The continued sale of this ammunition on the private market puts everyone at risk. I’m proud to join with my fellow attorneys general to raise this important issue and help ensure that weapons of war don’t make their way onto our streets.”

Lake City is a manufacturing facility operated by a private contractor and overseen by the U.S. Army. It is one of the country’s largest manufacturers of military ammunition, able to produce some 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition per year, much of it for use in AR-15-style rifles. Its commercial operations have sold billions of rounds onto the civilian market, and recent reporting from the New York Times has shown its products have been used in mass shootings and other crimes.

The coalition of attorneys general notes that Lake City rounds have become the “ammunition of choice” for use in mass shootings, citing shootings at Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, as recent examples where Lake City rounds were used. The Buffalo mass shooter even praised Lake City ammunition as “the best barrier penetration ammo I can get.”

The federal government has invested over $860 million to improve production at Lake City, meaning taxpayer funds are subsidizing production of these dangerous rounds sold to civilians. The coalition led by Attorney General James is calling on the White House of Gun Violence Prevention to investigate the contracting and manufacturing practices that led to military-grade rounds being sold to civilians, issue a public report with recommendations about how to keep military ammunition out of civilian hands, and take steps over the long term to ensure that future production contracts prohibit the sale of military weapons and ammunition to civilians.

Joining Attorney General James in sending the letter to the White House are the attorneys general of Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai‘i, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia.

Attorney General James has consistently taken action to stop gun violence and protect communities by limiting the spread of dangerous weapons. Earlier in December, Attorney General James led a multistate coalition of attorneys general supporting a new ATF rule to limit unlicensed gun sales. In November, Attorney General James successfully defended against Second Amendment challenges in six cases in the New York State Court of Appeals involving gun possession charges. In May, Attorney General James sued a gun accessory manufacturer that aided the Buffalo mass shooter. In April, Attorney General James took action to remove more than 3,000 guns off New York’s streets in a single day through the first-ever statewide gun buyback program. In March, Attorney General James and the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force took down a firearm and drug trafficking operation that illegally sold guns, including ghost guns and assault weapons, in New York City. Also in March, Attorney General James secured a court order banning 10 gun distributors from selling and shipping ghost gun parts into New York. In June 2022, Attorney General James sued 10 national gun distributors for bringing ghost gun parts into New York.

6 thoughts on “THEIR HATE OF SELF-DEFENSE RUNS DEEP: 20 AGs, including Kwame Raoul, pressuring Biden Admin to block surplus sales of Lake City 5.56 ammo to civilians…”
  1. This sounds more like a resume for Joe’s new vice president. Letitica has pinned the winning essay. It makes me wonder who helped her. Pack your bags Kamilla and take your size 25 butt back to San Francisco. Watch your step on those sidewalks there’s poop laying on them. You’ll have to return to your old line of work but don’t hope for Willie Brown to move you into the penthouse. Poor Willie has been called to his final reward.

    1. This Soros owned stooge may be wanting to run for Governor of NY one day and the way to do that is less rights for the zombie voters and more taxes. That’ll get em’ clopping to the polls. Our own shit stain Kwame Da Fool will be all on board with her ammo ban bullshit.

  2. When the pendulum finally swings back, there isn’t going to be a hole deep enough for these cocksuckers to crawl into and hide. They are playing with fire with this relentless assault on individual rights, traditions and our culture. These marxist fucks are incapable of learning the lessons of history.

    1. The pendulum will swing back when people like you stop voting for MAGA idiots in primaries that are more radioactive than Chernobyl in the general election. Hence why I cant wait for Trump to go to prison. Maybe we’ll start electing people who will at the minimum will leave our 2A rights alone.

  3. The same dim-wit who will get her big fat ledge ass handed to her after this scam civil proceeding in NY is quashed. Idiot with a law degree; do you think DEI commenced that day?

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