Governor Pritzker is out making the circuit for two reasons:  trying to bring business and trying to burnish his creds to run for president next year.  With an affable smile on his face, he did his best to ignore reality Monday.  Maybe he was auditioning for “Baghdad Bob.”  Who knows.  Either way he proceeded to completely ignore reality in answering a question about crime in Chicago and how that violence is scaring away businesses.

His answer?

“Violent crime has been coming down, actually for three years, but in particular over the last year.  Shootings and murders have come down significantly. Again, it doesn’t make anyone feel safer to just hear a statistic; it will take some time, but that is something people should know.” 

(The Center Square) – Gov. J.B. Pritzker is touting his efforts to attract new businesses throughout the state. During a discussion with Crain’s Chicago Business, he also discussed concerns around crime in the city.

The governor took questions Monday from the publication during a midday event and was asked about what he is doing to stop the violence in Chicago, which he says is not as bad as some believe.  

“Violent crime has been coming down, actually for three years, but in particular over the last year,” Pritzker said. “Shootings and murders have come down significantly. Again, it doesn’t make anyone feel safer to just hear a statistic; it will take some time, but that is something people should know.” 

Really Governor?  Is reality just another right-wing talking point?

CWB Chicago called him out on it:

CHICAGO — Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker unloaded a whopper of a lie on Monday that would make even the Chicago Police Department’s boldest press relations executive blush.

“Violent crime has been coming down [in Chicago], actually for three years, but in particular over the last year,” Pritzker said during an afternoon Q&A with Crain’s Chicago Business, according to The Center Square.

“Shootings and murders have come down significantly,” Pritzker continued. “Again, it doesn’t make anyone feel safer to just hear a statistic; it will take some time, but that is something people should know.”

“[The Chicago Police Department] publishes statistics where you can see where the problem areas are with car thefts and robberies and so on, but shootings and murders have come down significantly,” Pritzker said.

Let’s take a look at those statistics published by CPD, governor. Here are the year-to-date historical comparisons from its most recent report, dated November 19.

We’ll see how loudly the establishment media report on Pritzker’s whopper of a lie.  Or maybe they’ll make the story about the right wing’s reaction to Pritzker’s bold claims.

9 thoughts on “HE’LL CLAIM THE TRUTH IS JUST RIGHT-WING PROPAGANDA: Pritzker takes lying to a whole new level with ‘Crime is Down’ claim”
  1. Of course crime is “down”, when prosecutors don’t prosecute, when no one answers 911 calls, when law enforcement doesn’t investigate 911 calls, crime is ignored; the only people who know different are the victims and they don’t matter to the politicians, until it is time to vote, but then, the politicians have the “dead voters” locked in and those ballots filled in already.

    1. Is there anything you DON’T have an opinion on? Or AREN’T an expert on? I can imagine how much your wife wishes you’d just shut up.

    2. What is wrong, kenny-boy, you don’t like my free speech? I have asked you to just GO AWAY, WHY DON’T YOU? You are like the pesty little fruit fly at the end of summer that just keeps being bothersome and won’t crawl away and die. Prove me wrong in the above statement, kenny-boy, then GO AWAY!

  2. JB is a condescending prick that looks down on everyone and speaks to us all as if we’re silly children that he needs to enlighten. He has all the earmarks of a real asshole even without adding the fact he’s a Marxist liberal shit bag. He’s accomplished nothing at all his entire life, Mommy and Daddy have bribed, donated, and payed his way threw life. The only thing he did manage to do by himself was become morbidly obese. Even with zero accomplishments this pile of blubber feels he’s better and smarter than everyone and throws out bullshit “facts” as mentioned in the article. He feels we’re too stupid to figure out he’s lying. God help us if this shit stain of a human being ever gets to national office. If you think Illinois is a mess just watch what he can do for the whole country.

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