It’s bad enough that the Biden regime demands gun control at home.  It’s even sadder that it’s standing in the way of sending small arms to Israel to help its citizens defend themselves from Hamas’ barbarians and savages.  Why?  Because Israel is liberalizing it’s gun control laws to allow more of “the little people” to own and possess self-defense firearms to defend their homes, families and neighborhoods from terrorists and criminals.  Because God forbid Israeli residents have guns with which to kill invading barbarians that want to rape, torture and murder.

That’s right:  Biden’s lecturing Israel, telling them “no guns for you unless you implement gun control upon your people.”

No doubt Israel replied by telling Biden’s people what they wanted to hear.  I’m sure the guns would be sent to one side of the bucket of small arms in Israel while other small arms are pulled out of the same armories to be given to civilians so as not to violate the “agreement” made during their time of need.

But it shows once more just how callous and cold the gun control lunatics are to innocents human life.  Better innocents be killed that good people having the liberty to own and use firearms for self-defense.

Whose side are gun controllers on anyway?  The terrorists?

From the Washington Free Beacon:

The Biden administration refused to sell American weapons to Israel unless it provided guarantees the guns would not be given to civilians living in the West Bank, the Washington Free Beacon is exclusively reporting.

The Jewish state urgently requested the United States sell it thousands of M-16 rifles following the Hamas terror group’s Oct. 7 slaughter of more than 1,400 unarmed Israeli citizens. But the Biden administration would not approve the sale until Israel guaranteed the critical weapons would not reach civilian outposts in the West Bank, which the Biden administration and its Democratic allies view as occupied territory.

Editor’s note:  I would suspect these are semi-automatic AR-15s.  After all, nobody uses “M-16 rifles” any longer.

The stipulation was characterized by officials as unusual and indicates the Biden administration is succumbing to pressure from its far-left flank, which is pressing Israel to enact a ceasefire and accusing the Jewish state of carrying out a genocide as it defends itself from Hamas terrorists operating in the Gaza Strip.

The guns are critical to Israel’s defense as it faces down the most significant threat in decades. With the military engaged in an assault on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Jewish civilians in dangerous areas like the West Bank are being trained and equipped to defend themselves against potential attacks.

Oh, it gets better.  The Beacon names names who is leading the charge for gun control in Israel.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.) is said to be one of the lawmakers who pressured the Biden administration to restrict Israel’s access to the weapons.

Disgusting.  Just disgusting.

2 thoughts on “Biden Admin refuses small arms sale unless Israel implements gun control for West Bank civilians”
  1. NO politician, who supports/ enacts “gun control” to keep citizens from “keeping and bearing arms”, should have the benefit of armed protection paid for by the very citizens they insist on “infringing on the RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS” for personal protection! The Biden Criminal Enterprise Administration has no jurisdiction to “control” other country’s firearm policies, however, the scum-bass-turd will make his restrictions, regardless.

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