It was just a matter of time until the brazen robbery crews victimizing people in Chicago started shooting and killing people who didn’t instantly submit.  We’ll they’ve arrived.  One particularly fearsome trio or quartet has murdered at least two of their victims in recent days.

It’s a darn shame that more folks in Chicago didn’t have the means with which to fight back.  It would certainly level the playing field and deter this criminal behavior.

CWB Chicago has the details:

Chicago police officers are being warned about an extremely violent group of men that investigators believe is responsible for killing two victims during separate armed robberies this week. The crew has been active in West Town, Back of the Yards, Lawndale, and other areas of the city.

The department began warning officers about the crew on Wednesday afternoon during roll calls and via periodic broadcasts on police radio channels.

According to information shared with officers, the group has been getting around in a white Kia Forte stolen Monday in North Riverside.

Late that night, at least two masked men who stepped out of that car shot and killed a 45-year-old man sitting in a pickup truck in the 1600 block of West 47th Street.

The victim was shot repeatedly on the left side of his body, and his wallet and phone were missing when cops arrived at the scene, according to an initial CPD report.

Investigators believe the same car was used by armed, masked men who robbed another man near Fulton and Maplewood in West Town around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. He was not injured.

But about 15 minutes later, the second murder occurred in the 1600 block of North Lawndale.

Chicago police said two armed men exited a white sedan to rob a 50-year-old woman. The offenders shot and killed a 48-year-old man who intervened in the robbery and escaped without taking anything from the victims, police said in a media statement.

Cops are being warned to use extreme caution if they cross paths with the Kia.

3 thoughts on “CHICAGO ARMED ROBBERIES TURN DEADLY: Crew kills victims in at least two incidents, cops wary of the Kia-borne killers”
    1. Small town citizens teach their offspring to respect laws, law enforcement personnel, God and other citizens rights and property. That is why these kind of things don’t occur, in a small town.
      Pray for America, the Marxists are trying to destroy the greatest country in the world!

  1. As soon as a car comes to a fast stop as the doors start opening is when the front sight needs to be on target. It’s getting to the point there are no neighborhoods or time of day that is safe. Luckily plenty of stores, online shopping, and restaurants that are NOT in the shit hole of Chicago.

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