For sharp-eyed readers of GunNews, we mentioned last month about the States Attorneys in Illinois filing an amicus brief with the Illinois Supreme Court (and potentially even in federal court as well) in support of efforts to have the law overturned.  Well, 33 of them filed last week to do just that.

The Center Square has the story:

(The Center Square) – Around a third of Illinois’ state’s attorneys want to see the Illinois Supreme Court strike down the state’s gun and magazine ban.

The Macon County case from state Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur, challenges Illinois’ gun and magazine ban on the grounds it violates equal protections. The law doesn’t apply to police or others in the law enforcement and security industries.

After the county judge issued a final judgment against the law deeming it unconstitutional, the state appealed directly to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Madison County State’s Attorney Thomas Haine is leading the friend of the court brief in support of Caulkins with a bipartisan group of 33 state’s attorneys looking to overturn the law.

Here it is, embedded.

There may be others coming soon.  Stay tuned.

Just a quick reminder, the “Big Four” federal cases in the Southern District of Illinois have a court date coming up Wednesday. 

5 thoughts on “Third of IL States Attorneys argue for Supreme Court to overturn Pritzker’s gun ban”
  1. There are 102 counties in the state of Illinois. Do we only have 33 States Attorneys (True Patriots) standing up to their oath to the Constitution of the United States? Where is Sangamon County, Morgan County. etc.???

    1. Sangamon? LOL. Dan Wright needs a blowtorch on his bare footsies to do the right thing to return the gun of a disabled veteran whose FOID expired.

  2. Does anyone know if the States Attorney in Madison county is trying to get other States Attorneys to join his friend of the court brief ? Should we the voters be calling our states attorney and asking them to sign up ? not sure what the behind the scenes goings on are but I hope many more join up. Hopefully this goes the same as when lots of Sheriffs stood up opposing this. Also will the ISC even care ?

    1. Looks like some SA’s are upholding their oath’s to our Constitutions (US and IL), a little late but welcome to them, maybe that will influence others to get on the Rights side of the unconstitutional “law”. We can hope and work for the correct outcome.

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