Month: September 2022

The Judge as a *backup* gun in Chicago

[Editor:  We all know Chicago is bad.  Especially the south and west sides.  But when my friend said he packed a Taurus Judge as his BACKUP gun in Chicago, I did a double-take.  Whoa.  A Judge for a backup gun?  Wow.  I knew there had to be one heckuva story…

STREISAND EFFECT: Angry gun control harpies whine about junior football league fundraiser featuring an AR-15, turn a local raffle into a national event

North Carolina’s East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading League (EHYFC) poked a woke hornet's next by offering an AR-15 as the grand prize in a fundraiser for kids sports.  Unsurprisingly, some easily-offended types turned their ire on the EHYFC for such an "insensitive" and "deplorable" choice of prizes. But not…

Chicago establishes itself a ‘Sanctuary City’ for ‘Bodily Autonomy’: Including female genital mutilation, ‘transgender’ care and abortion until birth… Still waiting for their Second Amendment Sanctuary ordinance…

Female genital mutilation.  "Gender Affirmation" for children to get their breasts removed, sterilization surgery.  Abortion right up until birth.  Chicago has gone all in with social justice poker.  It's odd how "bodily autonomy" is so important with regard to abortion, genital mutilation for religious reasons and transgender stuff, but personal…