Month: September 2022

Florida’s ’10-20-Life’ law reduced firearm violent crime to historic lows… Why not bring it to Illinois [SPOILER ALERT: Because Democrats don’t want to put bad guys in prison…]

Our state’s political leaders seem hell-bent on “criminal justice reform” including elimination of cash bail and pre-trial detention. Will that make our streets safer? If “affordable bail” is any indication, the answer is “hell no!” Affordable bail, the half-step to elimination of bail altogether, has proved a disaster since implemented…

REMINDER: Gun Control FAILED yet again in Highland Park

Billionaire Mikey Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun (Control) says Illinois has the sixth most stringent gun control laws in America.  Gabby Giffords gives Illinois an A- on the gun control laws imposed upon the law-abiding. Yet all those racist and classist gun control measures did only one thing in Highland Park…