Walmart’s status as a charter member in good standing of Everytown for Gun Safety’s Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership program almost went unnoticed. Except an eagle-eyed member of the Tennessee Firearms Association caught it in recent days on the Walmart Corporate Policies and Guidelines page.

Funny, Walmart didn’t mention that association in their public announcement earlier this week ending sales of handgun and black rifle ammo. Nor did they mention it in the ham-handed follow-up “clarification” issued they yesterday.

But there it is near the bottom of their Firearms section of the Corporate Policies and Guidelines page:

Firearms and Ammunition Guidelines

Walmart has a long heritage as a company of serving hunters and sportsmen and women. Our focus has always been to do so responsibly, including taking many measures that go beyond what’s required by law.

Where We Sell Firearms and Ammunition
Walmart sells firearms in approximately half of our U.S. supercenter stores. While we are not the largest volume firearms seller in the United States, we do serve many areas of the country where there is a concentration of hunters and sportsmen/women.

Items We Sell
Walmart sells long guns for hunting and sport shooting, including shotguns, single-shot hunting rifles and light sporting rifles, as well as BB and pellet guns.

Items We Don’t Sell
Walmart does not sell military-style rifles, such as the AR-15, or any type of AR-15 accessory, including bump stocks and high-capacity magazines. These items are also listed on our prohibited items list for online marketplace sellers. We have a process to monitor our eCommerce marketplace and help ensure our policies are applied.

As of September 2019, we have discontinued the sale of:

  • handguns, which were previously sold only in our Alaska stores
  • ammunition for handguns
  • ammunition for short-barrel rifles such as the .223 caliber and 5.56 caliber that, while commonly used in some hunting rifles, can also be used in large-capacity clips on military-style weapons
  • ammunition like the .300 Blackout, 7.62x.39 and .224 Valkyrie

Who Can Buy Firearms and Ammunition at Walmart
In February 2018, we announced our decision to sell firearms and ammunition only to individuals who are 21 and older.

Walmart only sells a firearm after receiving a “green light” on a background check. This goes beyond federal law, which only requires the absence of a “red light” after a three-business day waiting period. We require a “green light,” regardless of the time period.

Selling Firearms Responsibly
Walmart takes steps above and beyond what is required by law to sell firearms in a responsible way, including:

  • videotaping the point of sale for firearms;
  • allowing only select associates who have passed a criminal background check to sell firearms;
  • conducting regular associate training;
  • performing inventory audits; and
  • securing firearms in a locking case, among other important measures.

Walmart associates who are authorized to sell firearms are specifically trained on all firearm policies and procedures. Associates who fail to follow the policies and procedures are subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

Walmart is a charter member of the Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership, organized by Walmart and Everytown for Gun Safety.

So there you have it. Walmart has partnered with Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown anti-gun operation in an effort to strip law-abiding Americans of their right to purchase, keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and their families.

The good news is that America’s gun owners can help familiarize Walmart with the “get woke, go broke” principle. Just as Dick’s has learned. One hundred fifty million times.

6 thoughts on “WHY? Walmart’s a Charter Member of Everytown for Gun Safety’s ‘Responsible Firearms Retailer’ Partnership”
  1. I sent Walmart a letter asking why they did this when they admit that it will not make one bit of difference. I got the standard computer generated response. WE are doing this, this, and this, and tough toenails to you buddy. Insulting your best customers does not seem like a good marketing plan to me, but what do I know?

    Did anyone see the Mallard Fillmore cartoon? Priceless.

  2. I don’t usually go to China er wall mart but it was late and they were the only game in town.
    I went by sporting goods expecteding to find the ammo shelves mostly bare but they had a lot of hand gun ammo.

  3. In any occurrence, there’s no elementary to give access to to this congenial of extreme. It makes ma rune to be systematic adjacent to people you ruin up across online, but it’s also last resting-place to weigh on that most people aren’t scammers. If someone claims to be interested in you because you split run-of-the-mill interests or ideals, there’s a take-off conceivably they without wanting correctly what they say.

    1. Stuff like this shows that the leftist filth has no argument and can’t make their case for anything. Just sad attempts to pollute the site with garbage posts. Sad but totally expected from traitors that have nothing else going on in life.

  4. The best way to show Walmart your displeasure is to not shop there. Let them keep their Chi Com garbage. I won’t be funding gun grabbers or the companies that support them.

  5. Large capacity clips? They are really informed when it comes to firearms terminology, aren’t they?

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