Month: August 2018

Why Don’t You Carry A Backup Gun?

Millions of Americans conceal carry a gun every day. And that number keeps growing. Unfortunately, fewer people carry a spare backup gun. Innovations in smaller, lighter guns firing potent cartridges, along with my training, have sold me on the idea of a backup gun. And should cause you to consider…

The Well Armed Woman in the Land of Lincoln

by Lori Sanner Former TWAW Illinois State Co-coordinator The Well Armed Woman (TWAW) started in January of 2012.  Founded by Carrie Lightfoot of Scottsdale, AZ, the group serves  as a comprehensive resource for women shooters.   Right away, it filled a hunger from women for a place where women could…

Defining the threat. And training for it.

by Steve Davis, Esq. President, Guns Save Life Just weeks ago, I helped instruct a concealed carry course to forty teachers and school staff.  Put on free for the school staff, the class served as collaborative donation by GSL Defense Training, Guns Save Life, and The DeWitt County Sportsman’s Club.…