Do you recall Pennsylvania’s new rabidly anti-gun Democrat Attorney General who has set about making live difficult not only for Keystone State gun owners, but also out-of-state visitors?   We covered this a week ago as the female AG, a darling of the left wing of the Democrat party – publicly announced that she will not fulfill her office’s duty to defend a state firearms pre-emption law which would strike down unlawful local ordinances?

Well, when people don’t respect the rule of law in one place, they are likely to not respect it in others.

A special prosecutor has found evidence exists that Kane unlawfully leaked politically damaging information about her political enemies to certain sympathetic media sources.

We can’t wait to see her do a perp walk in cuffs.

Karma is fixing to bite Kathy Kane right on the Kaboose.

(Philadelphia Inquirer) – The special prosecutor and grand jury investigating allegations that Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane leaked secret information to a newspaper have found evidence of wrongdoing and recommended that she be criminally charged, according to numerous people familiar with the decision.

The panel concluded that Kane violated grand-jury secrecy rules by leaking investigative material in a bid to embarrass political enemies, sources said.

…If the prosecutor files a criminal case, it would represent a stunning fall for Kane, 48, who won in a landslide in 2012 to become the first woman and Democrat elected attorney general.

10 thoughts on “LAWLESS: Karma is fixing to bite PA’s rabidly anti-gun attorney general Kathy Kane on the “kaboose””
  1. I’ve got another “K” word I’d call her but it’s a family friendly place.

    It rhymes with one of the two or three streets in Chicago that rhymes with this particular thing.

    Couldn’t have happened to a “nicer” Dem. See ya, beyatch.


  2. Remember – Dems are slippery, like bullheads. She can probably spin her way out of it. Indictment is one thing – conviction is another. What might be more interesting would be a civil lawsuit from her “embarrassed” political enemies.

  3. If only Spencer’s Gifts would give free mental health “care” packages to these liberals! They carry lots of products that could clear the cobwebs and dust off that unused “body” part! These woman need some action to help with all that “I am not made love too” problem they all seem to suffer from! Or maybe just a good old fashion butt plug will help to keep those brains from leaking out!

  4. Check out her hand placement in relation to the “DEMOCRATS” label on the sign in the background – priceless!! Mr. Boch, did you photoshop that?

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