
Piers Morgan got canned.

Morgan, of course, is trying to spin it that he’s quitting because America just doesn’t like him.

Good riddance to this hack.

A little over a year ago, a British Broadcasting Corporation reporter flew out from London to do a story on Guns Save Life.

I asked her if she knew of Piers Morgan.  Her reply?  She’d worked with him in the past and unsolicited, she said Morgan was a pompous douche or something along those lines.

We’re glad he’s headed back across the Pond.

7 thoughts on “Guess who got fired…”
  1. I really hope he doesn’t get raging and mad. He might just go all colonial on the bosses who fired his balooning ego self.

  2. “Morgan, of course, is trying to spin it that he’s quitting because America just doesn’t like him.”

    Well at last, he’s correct for a change. We don’t like him. And it’s because of his anti-Constitutional beliefs amongst other things.

    Unfortunately, my UK friends say they don’t want him back.

  3. With any luck, maybe his plane, ship, or whatever transportation he uses will get hijacked to Cuba or N. Korea, or some place he would really appreciate living in.

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