America woke up in horror this morning to twin stories about terror attacks.  Of course, the DEI hire representing the FBI at a press conference in New Orleans claims it wasn’t a terror attack.   That “spokesperson” couldn’t even use good English.  And the nose-ring was a nice touch.  Is that covered in the grooming regulations at the FBI?

What a dim-witted affirmative-action hire.   And she thinks the American people are as stupid as the idiots who hired her barely literate ass to make their diversity numbers look good.

Nevermind how the guy drove a trunk with an ISIS flag flying off the back end of the truck.   Don’t believe your lying eyes.

We’ll get to the Vegas attack momentarily.  However this one doesn’t feel like the Islamic Army attacks we publicized on the website and in our most recent issue of GunNews, and I’ll tell you why:  It wasn’t coordinated.  Or if it was coordinated, and supposedly there are three or four other suspects wanted by the FBI, it was poorly executed.

Died like a dog in the street. Or maybe a pig at the market.

If it was an Islamic Army endeavor, they would have done other attacks throughout NOLA to dilute the resources available to respond and to, well, terrorize everyone in the city, not just those out at an unChristian hour.

Or they would have had a team lying in wait at the guy’s residence in Houston waiting to ambush the FBI SWAT team that came to search the residence.

If this was a kickoff for the Islamic Army, they would have hit events in multiple cities at or about the same time.

As for Vegas…  again, amateur hour.  Sure it was a command detonated explosive payload in a Cybertruck but the “explosives” were commercial fireworks like you would buy at a roadside stand.  And they also had some gasoline, camp stove fuel and similar flammables.  I guess they couldn’t buy or steal some real explosives or even black powder.  Instead, they bought some cheap-assed mortars and some racing gas and camp fuel.  The “explosion” wasn’t even strong enough to crack the windows not even forty feet away from the truck.

The only fatality came from the idiot who thought he was going to bring the whole building down, but instead just snuffed his own life out.  Too bad he didn’t live long enough to see just how poorly executed his plan to launch jihad against America really went.  Instead of a big bang it was more like the equivalent of a wet fart in church.

I don’t see this as the highly-trained, highly-motivated Islamic Army teams currently in America to launch an attack in the coming days or weeks.

It might serve as a wake up call for Americans to take a look at their ammo inventories and to clean their guns.  Because like Jeffrey Epstein, violent terrorists seldom kill themselves.


One thought on “TERROR ATTACKS: Terrorism hits NOLA & Vegas… doesn’t feel like Islamic Army attacks but instead the ‘junior varsity’”
  1. Discussions regarding the driver having a bullet in him upon investigation suggest he may have been already dead and the truck programmed to drive there. And the alleged deceased was a military operator who had the skills to use real explosives, not the fireworks and crap that were used. Another FBI manufactured ‘incident’?

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