Former President Donald Trump spoke at the NRA convention this past weekend, delighting a crowd for the whole speech.  He spoke for almost 100 minutes.  Joe Biden can’t go that long without a diaper change.

Speaking of vegetables, our current President Joe Biden was busy taking a nap.

From ZeroHedge:

The Second Amendment is vital for enabling Americans to protect themselves from the wave of criminals, drugs, and the mentally ill that are flooding across the U.S. southern border, former President Donald Trump told a raucous standing-room-only crowd at the National Rifle Association’s 153rd annual meeting and exhibitions in Dallas on May 18.

Several thousand people gathered in a meeting room of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center to hear from the man who is seeking a second term as president. President Trump’s speech drew loud cheers on more than one occasion from the largely supportive group of Second Amendment advocates.

President Trump told the group that the Second Amendment is “under siege” from the current administration. According to the former president, Second Amendment rights are a matter of public safety.

The survival of our Second Amendment is on the ballot,” President Trump said. “We need it for safety.


3 thoughts on “BIDEN TOOK A NAP INSTEAD: Trump rouses audience at the NRA Convention”
  1. My wife and I attended the NRA convention and attended the ILA Leadership Forum. Gov Abbot gave an inspiring speech, he’s a true leader and I was glad to see him in person. I was surprised and disappointed that Ted Cruz didn’t attend, he’s in a tight Senate race. I think that the event was originally scheduled for Friday but was moved to Saturday so 45 could attend. There were more speakers last year prior to the primaries. Perhaps the schedule change messed w/the line up ? I was impressed w/Trump’s energy- he started the day in Brooklyn, NY, played a round of golf, did some interviews then spoke for over an hour finishing up about 6 CST.

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