Today the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals turned away our application for an en banc rehearing of their earlier decision affirming Frank Easterbrook’s Emergency Stay blocking the injunction issued by District Court Judge McGlynn.

McGlynn’s decision struck down the so-called “Protect Illinois Communities Act” law.

The rulings by the three-judge panel at the Seventh Circuit have essentially allowed the law to continue.

This decision was for preliminary injunctive relief.  The cases are now released back to their respective courts to be heard on their merits.

In a nutshell, the Seventh Circuit is stalling to give time for the US Supreme Court’s makeup to change should one of the gun rights supporting justices get sick and/or die.  They know that gun control measures are dead.  Just like courts and politicians were reluctant to give up school segregation for a solid two years after the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in the 1950s, so too are some inferior courts like the Seventh along with a whole coterie of gun control jihadist politicians.

13 thoughts on “AS EXPECTED: En banc request denied by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.”
  1. I have personal experience with both Easterbrook and wood in their bailiwick. And I know them to be among the dumbest human beings and most unethical lawyers/judges on the planet. I posit that they are also just plain evil.
    However, they are the monsters in the black robes, and there aint a d*** thing you can do as long as there the ones in the black robes. . .
    all you can do is appeal and hope that the Supreme Court does the right thing …oh and continue to vote for the Republican side as long as they continue to appoint conservative judges and justices. If you don’t you end up with this.

  2. I have personal experience with both Easterbrook and wood in their bailiwick. And I know them to be among the dumbest human beings and most unethical lawyers/judges on the planet. I posit that they are also just plain evil. Yes, in the biblical sense, EVIL.
    However, they are the monsters in the black robes, and there aint a d*** thing you can do as long as there the ones in the black robes. . .
    all you can do is appeal and hope that the Supreme Court does the right thing …oh and continue to vote for the Republican side as long as they continue to appoint conservative judges and justices. If you don’t you end up with this.

    1. ken, the “dr. peddy-file amy’s daddy ken”,
      …there the ones?…. talk about dumb, stupid, or just plain ignorant… try “they are” …there you go again “ken” amy’s pedo-file daddy, out there not knowing the difference between there, their, they’re, or they are, you are really “out there” in stupidity, aren’t you?

  3. …and then to double post the same stupidity, mr. attorney that has “personal experience” with Esterbrook and a “woody” in there, oops their, oops they’re, oops they are, ball-i-wick, were you having a “circle jerk” “ken”? a pedi-file circle jerker.

  4. To: crazy ol’ coot gsl1589:

    You have committed defamation. Please retract your statements defaming me. I am anonymous here and, thus, nobody knows me, but if my identity is ever actually revealed these false, defamatory statements as of subjective fact will then become actionable. I refer to your statements accusing me, objectively falsely, of being a pedophile or any involvement in such abhorrent behavior.

    Do you have any idea how crippling punitive damages can be for such a false accusation? Punitive damages in the tens of thousands of dollars are regularly and consistently awarded for such evil vile accusations. If you have any assets, I would take them away from you.

    Best that you just beg johnboch to remove your posts. And apologize immediately.

    1. YOU are the one posting as “Amy’s dr. daddy” so… that leads readers to believe you are “playing doctor” with Amy, YOU are the one leading that conclusion, why don’t YOU stop your own posting, I have asked you many times to GO AWAY! K M A!

    2. I do not know you, do not ever want to know such aa vile piece of scum you portray in your posts, G T H, “ken” and any and all names YOU post as.

    3. Gsl1589: I demanded a retraction and you doubled down. That always looks good in front of the juries.

      I’m going to ask for significant punitive damages.
      Retract your lies now.

    4. “ken”= GLS GRIFTER LYING SCUM, = Amy, – Amy’s daddy, “dr. ken” = GSL 15889 = GSL 15s9 = Toad, = Travus = any ali-A$$ he can think up, GRIFTER LYING SCUM!! Prove me wrong, “ken”!

    5. HERE IS PROOF from one of “ken”s own posts, copied/pasted… how do you like me now? “ken” I do not like you or your lies, K M A!
      GSL 15S9 says:
      December 11, 2023 at 12:18 am
      Hey, granddad! Why don’t you try to confine your bile to something related to the issues of concern on the site instead of all of these personal attacks that are so far afield from sense as to inspire me to find out your real identity just so I can file a red flag report on you with your friends at the ISP? You really sound unhinged I mean bad shite crazy!
      – Amy’s dad Dr. Ken

    6. Talk about “shi-ite, batt-poop crazy” “ken” must be gazing in his mirror as he accuses me! G T H “ken”!

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