Why, it’s almost like bigot Jussie Smollett thought that a fake hate crime would launch his career and make him rich and famous.  The only problem was, like so many (fake) hate crimes, it was all fake.

Now, after two years of one mess after another, and losing his job and his favorite crime buddies the Osundairo brothers, he apparently has turned to illicit drug use to help him drown his troubles.  Allegedly.

Really though, can we trust anything he says?  Is this just a play for sympathy?

From the UK Daily Mail:

Actor Jussie Smollett is headed to rehab after what his reps are calling an ‘extremely difficult past few years’ as the performer still attempts to appeal his conviction in Chicago.

The Empire star filed an appeal of the December 2021 conviction for staging an anti-gay, racist attack on himself and then lying to Chicago police about it.

Smollett is in an outpatient facility at an unknown location, according to TMZ.

And he’s getting sued by the Osundairo brothers he tried to throw under the bus.  Brothers who have used their newfound fame to greater fortune than Jussie’s career, currently in flatline and the defibrillator’s battery is stone cold dead.

The Osundairo brothers have since filed a defamation lawsuit, alleging that Smollett’s comments were part of an effort to portray them as racist, homophobic and violent men who truly attacked him.

What a scumbag.

7 thoughts on “MAKE MINE A DOUBLE SHOT OF SCHADENFREUDE: Jussie Smollett turns to rehab after fake hate stunt exposed and his career circles the drain”
  1. Poor, poor Jussie “smells a lot” Smollet, lets have a great big “pity party” for the little raaaassssisss punk-“girlyboy” …. GOOD NEWS FOR NORMAL PEOPLE this pathetic piece of bull excrement career is basically in the manure pile because of his stupidity! Oh my, that is good for the “entertainment community” and anyone who patronizes it! Buh-by Jussie, good riddance to ya!

    1. Juicy Smolliet?
      “Black people were supporting him in their silence… because we understood that this n****** was clearly lying…”
      “Does that sound like how white people talk?”
      “Black people felt sorry for the police… 2am… -16 degrees. Walking. allllright. And where were you going? Subway? Sandwiches?”
      “MAGA hats in Chicago?”
      I’m laughing my ass off.

  2. I thought he went into rehab for being a habitual and compulsive liar. And going into rehab now won’t save him in the courts for lying about being attacked either.

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