Faith & Blue was inaugurated in 2020 by MovementForward, Inc., working with the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) at the U.S. Department of Justice. The idea was a simple but powerful one — the ties that bind officers and residents must be reinforced if we are to build neighborhoods where everyone feels safe and included. Faith-based organizations are key to building these bonds because they are not only the largest community resource in the nation, with 65 million participants in weekly events, but because they are as diverse as our nation. Moreover, they speak to Americans’ shared conviction that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.

There will be events across Illinois.

One in Central IL will take place at the Maranatha Church in Decatur on Saturday, Oct. 7th. After a 9am breakfast, there will be presentations by the Illinois State Police and others on Internet crimes against children, human trafficking and some outdoor demonstrations. After lunch, there will be fun, family-friendly activities for all. It’s open to everyone.

There are no fees to attend and everyone is welcome!

One thought on “FAITH & BLUE WEEKEND: Oct. 6-9… Join us at Maranatha Church in Decatur on Oct. 7th for seminars on Internet crimes against children and human trafficking”
  1. I support a bond between law enforcement and citizens where police know who they work for and that the respect they get must be earned. A faith based organization ( real ones not scams like Jesse and Al run ) can be a great meeting place for such things. Unfortunately if the Illinois State Police will be involved I want nothing to do with it. As long as the ISP is gearing up to be a Stasi / Gestapo type agency that will be targeting law abiding gun owners and FFL’s I don’t trust them. Maybe they’ll be posing as our new “friends” gathering intel like the FBI was doing at Catholic Churches. No Thanks

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