What happens when you put wealthy college kids in an unsafe city?  They get fleeced like sheep.  Just that’s happening right now in Chicago at DePaul University in Chicago.  Students have been robbed at gunpoint, beaten and battered.  Talk about a college-level course in real-world crime and cultural enrichment.

42k/year in tuition to get robbed at gunpoint.  Helpful hint:  Hang out after midnight on Chicago streets and you can get robbed repeatedly for free.

But don’t worry, DePaul says they’re taking security “seriously.”

Short of having heavily armed cops with a reputation for not chasing bad guys but CATCHING bad guys, DePaul’s rich kids are going to continue to get fleeced by the ne’er-do-wells who run with impunity in Chicago.

CHICAGO (CBS) – Once again, multiple DePaul University students were robbed at gunpoint over the weekend.

One of the victims was hit in the head with a gun and forced to seek medical attention. Students have been targets three weekends in a row.

CBS 2’s Tara Molina had more on safety and security plans following continued crime sprees and how university officials said they’re serious about security.

Officials said they’re increasing the university’s public security presence across campus. Students who spoke to CBS 2 said they hope that means more security and police walking the campus.

3 thoughts on “DePaul University is ‘serious’ about security as their students get college-level (pun intended) course in real-world crime”
  1. Northeast the same dumbasses that were protesting a couple of years ago for defund the police and disarm the police? Black Lives Matter and all that BS? I’m with Jeff. The chickens have come home to roost and karma’s a bitch.

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