After presiding over four years of an orgy of violence and mayhem, and downplaying the severity of the crime problem in Chicago, the soon-to-be former Mayor Lori Lightfoot has some advice for her fellow Dems.  “Speak the truth” about violent crime.

She actually advocated to get the bad people who commit these horrific violent crimes to get locked up.  That’s almost 180 degrees out of phase with what’s she and the leaders of her party have done for the last four years in our state.

From Fox32 Chicago:

Ousted Mayor Lori Lightfoot called on Democrat mayors to “speak the truth” on violent crime in their cities amid the crime spike in Chicago.

While speaking on a panel at the African American Mayors Association Conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Lightfoot called on Democrat mayors to address the growing crime in their cities.

“As Democrats, if we do not speak the truth about violent crime in our cities, we will be the worse for it,” Lightfoot said.

“I come to this conversation as a former federal prosecutor. I come to this as a former defense attorney, I am the sister of a returning resident,” Lightfoot continued. “But I know that there are people in my city that are wreaking havoc every day and need to be off the streets. That’s reality.”

Wow.  Just wow.

Even a broken analog clock is right at least twice a day.  Lori Lightfoot actually spoke the truth about who is driving Chicago’s crime problem.

Now if she and her bretheren will just start describing said violence as “gang violence” instead of blaming guns, we might be seeing a change.

Nah, that’s a bridge way too far.

3 thoughts on “BETTER LATE THAN NEVER? Lori Lightfoot calls on Dems to ‘speak the truth’ about violent crime”
  1. WOW, it took losing the mayorship to someone that is ideologically her “equal” for her to do an “about face” on the criminality in and around “her” murder-city, brought about by her soft on criminals/crime, to appease her crime-focused constituents, to preach “the truth”???!!!
    Talk about truth; “speaking on a panel at the African American Mayors Association Conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Lightfoot called on Democrat mayors to address the growing crime in their cities”, BLACK democRAT mayors in their cities, admitting crime is rampant in BLACK democRAT cities!! WOW, JUST WOW!

    1. Does the bi-atch still have her 90-officer taxpayer-paid “security-force” protection?! Another disgusting piece of C-RAP (POC) politician has-been!

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