The folks at Team Sheriff in Mobile, Alabama have a sense of humor. Check out this video of a homeowner taking an (unlawful) shot at a fleeing burglar. The Mobile County Alabama Sheriff posted it on Facebook.
Okay, first off, never, ever take a shot at a bad guy legitimately trying to get away. If you ignore that advice, you will face the consequences – as in you'll be needing soap on a rope for some time. Because in prison, you don't want to drop the soap in the shower.
I suspect the people at Team Sheriff know that as well.
Here's the rest of their post to go along with that video:
THUGS BEWARE…Homeowners are tired of you and here is a prime example. Just before this thug gets back to his car, the homeowner fires shots as car is leaving the scene. #toobadtheymissed😳 #thetirethatis #weaddedmoreshots
Note the hash-tag comments: "Too bad they missed", "the tire that is" and "we added more shots". LOL. Ya think?
If anyone has any information about this crime, please call 251-574-8633. You may also go to our website, Together we can get these thugs off our streets. #never2fullatmetro #wealwaysmakeroom #readthedisclaimer #thisreallyhappened #weaddedthevoices
"Never too full at metro" and "We always make room". Sounds like a Joe Arpaio kinda place right? Oh yes, read the disclaimer:
The information is intended solely for entertainment purposes and may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or information, as circumstances will vary from person to person. #likehowoftenugototherange
You should not act or rely upon this information without seeking professional advice #callthepopo
Call the po-po. Yes, Call the po-po. That's the right answer. While staying inside your home while the bad thug is trying to get away.
Do not attempt any of the suggested actions, solutions, remedies, or instructions found in this video without consulting with a qualified professional #againcallthepopo
The owners, editors, contributors, administrators, and other staff of TEAM SHERIFF are not qualified professionals, we just sit at computers all day and create this stuff #itswhatwedo #creativestaffof5 #wechasecriminalsviasocialmedia #cuzwehavenoguns 😜😞
"'cause we have no guns".
I thought my department had a sense of humor, but these guys are on a whole new level!! I sent this to everyone I know! Liberals included!! Hahaha!
24 shots? Did he actually hit anything?
i suspect that the homeowner would be going to jail…A self defense claim would be very difficult to justify in Court. I get it though Private property rights.
Love it. I was going to go out and look for a 26-round mag, until I read the disclaimer…