

From our friends at ISRA…


Witness Slips Needed
SB1657, Gun Dealer Licensing, and HB1273, Trailer Bill to SB1657, is posted for Judiciary Criminal Committee on Tuesday, March 27, 2017, at 2:00pm, in the Michael A Bilandic Building.
OPPOSE SB1657 & HB1273

Log on to the ILGA Dashboard at my.ilga.gov
Click on "House", click on "Committee Hearings"

Under the Scheduled House Committee Hearings, click on "Week"
Click on the "Judiciary-Criminal Committee" button (under view hearing details)

[Editor:  OR you can just click here!]
Click on the Create Witness Slip Button

I. IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter "NA" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter "Myself" unless representing an organization.

III. Select Subject Matter – “On SB1657 and HB1273” will appear and SELECT OPPONENT
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the "Record of Appearance Only" radio button.
If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.

Just enter one slip per person, please.  Thank you! 

13 thoughts on “WITNESS SLIPS NEEDED. To sustain Gov Rauner’s veto of Gun Dealer Licensing Scheme”
  1. Would be nice if the 2 million + FOID card holders, 200,000 of which have a CCL would take a moment to wake up and call, email, fill out a slip. this would be easy and no "gun control" would have a chance if they would do something. 

  2. I just checked the record. 8600 proponents, 7100 opponents. Shamefull, with over 2 million FOIDs and 200 thousand CCLs. Each of us is carrying the load for 2,,817 GOINOs. (Gun owners in name only).

    1. Whole heartedly agree with you and Bill^. Illinois has got the most complacent gun owners I’ve ever seen! Not long ago we used to blow the anti nut jobs out of the water on witnesses slips. 

  3. The nut jobs went national to get their numbers. Then there was the tampering (something new, and tentatively enemy action) where some witness slips (hundreds in some cases) were duplicates – but only on the opposed (“our”) side as far as I can tell, to discredit us. How many more were on the pro side, with fictional but non-repetitive entries? The witness slip system took a beating.

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