Photo via Heatstreet

Social Justice Warriors ™ LOVE telling everyone how they are champions of diversity.

Until it comes to a diversity of opinions.

Take one special snowflake in Portland, Maine named Anne Verrill.

Little Miss Anne owns a couple of restaurants, and if you own or even support the ownership of America’s favorite rifle, she doesn’t want you in her eatery.


Bless your little heart, Anne Verrill.

In a follow-up post, she wrote:

I don’t want to take away guns of responsible gun owners.

Gosh, where have we heard that before?

Two sentences later, she writes this:

I want people to not have the power to own weapons of war.

Grace, dear:  If your cause is so righteous, why do you need to lie

Her very next sentence:

I want our government to be able to deny someone they can put on the “no fly” lists to not buy a semi-automatic weapon.

What’s next?  Is she going to want to ban gun ownership from certain “undesirable” minorities?

5 thoughts on “HYPOCRITES: Gun grabbers okay with discrimination against people they don’t like”
  1. When these people are done writing this BS, I wonder if they go back and read how the profess one thing and in the next sentence say the opposite and conclude that’s exactly what they meant to say? It’s so illogical, I’m not sure there’s anything you can say to them to help them understand. These people are truly “special”.

  2. In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time; performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values; or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values. [ref. Wiki]

    That occurs in most special snowflakes and they never realize it.

    I think this capitalistic restaurant owner should also consider that their government could also prevent people who can’t think logically like Miss Anne from owning a business. Wonder how that’d go with her.

    Constitutionally guaranteed rights are just what the terms say.

  3. These special idiots have been discriminating against gun owners for years with their “No Guns” signs.

    Imagine the outrage that would rightly occur if they posted “No Muslims”, “No Jews” or “No women” signage. Or “No Blacks”. Or “No Irish”.

    One thing I suspect is pretty certain: If Anne posted “No idiots” at her restaurants, she would quickly go out of business.

  4. She claims her radical beliefs haven’t impacted her business. LOL. She doesn’t want to take anyone’s gun either. Lyin’ wench.
    “If your cause is so righteous, why do you need to lie?” Amen.

  5. The AR15 and similar firearms with a 30 round clip are no longer the guns of war. Noting that the U.S. military arms capabilities are becoming so much more lethal practically negates an AR as a pee shooter in comparison. Besides noting their much larger weapons one can note the reality of modern military weapons being capable of 3000 rounds down range in one minute. Throw that info at ’em and they will stutter and slobber all over themselves.

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