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It’s rough when Mark Kelly seeks out criminals to join him in campaigning for gun control.

He managed to team up with disgraced former general David Patraeus to form the “Veterans Coalition for Common Sense”, the latest of many billionaire-funded gun control groups to pop up in recent years.

The group’s mission?  To promote gun control.

Oh yeah, and help curtain veteran suicides.  Through gun control.

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So Mark Kelly teams up with a guy who violates security protocols with a paramour before his wife left him, barely dodging a felony conviction on a host of serious charges.

Unfortunately for Mark Kelly and the Disgraced Criminal and Adulterer Patraeus, the events in Orlando have greatly eclipsed their hopes for headlines.

Yes:  50 gays dead at the hands of a Muslim terrorist trumps a disgraced criminal’s pandering for gun control.

Americans aren’t stupid.   We know scoundrels and scumbags like Mark Kelly and David Patraeus flock together.



11 thoughts on “Mark Kelly joins up with criminal David Patraeus to form new gun grabber group”
  1. Gen. Betrayus does not represent the very vast majority veterans. We will oppose this misguided leftist group at every turn.

    Sorry to be cliche`, but “When they finally get in to take my guns, they’ll find me in a pile of empty brass, fighting to the last to defend out rights”.

  2. Another disgraced senior officer trying to buy his way back by betraying his oath of office to defend the Constitution.

    Mark “TRAITOR” Kelly should be stripped of his pension and any right to trade on his former rank and the criminal David “BETRAY US ALL” Patraeus should have to do his time in Leavenworth military prison for his many crimes.

    All of the members of this group have forfeited any right to use the appelation VETERAN by being lying oath breaking traitors.

  3. Just another statist that believe they are above the law. I bet he has guns for his protection, just like Mark Kelly and Gabby (I wonder who does her finances) all have personal protection. But not the common folks. Betrayus fell for a honey trap, but it is ok? This is the standard for the statists, bloomie would fly in to heliports closed, it is OK. Bloomie used NYC (Paid) employees to work in Colorado to prevent Hilabeast could use her private server so her personal emails would be safe from prying eyes, it is OK? The powerful has privileges.

    1. Patraeus didn’t fall for a honey trap. After his announcement the troops he commanded were all discussing his leadership by politics and his relationship with “Lt. Booty.” Once is a trap, twice is a pattern.

    2. He shared information that he should not have with a love interest. Unless you think she did not want any juicy information?

  4. Lt. Booty. Well, I hope she was worth it. He should have known better than to stick his thing in one of his junior officers. It could have been worse though. He could have been boinking a young male private.

    1. they’d have given him a medal for that… “first gay 4-star general”, that sort of thing.

  5. Somebody still has his nuts in a vice and is putting on the pressure. I will venture a guess, if we knew the truth, he would be in prison, but he has much more value as a propaganda tool, just like this gun control issue. He, like many others, has been compromised and dancing to the tune of the piper. I just wish we knew who the piper was and what are their goals.

  6. Well, it just came in the past year how Dennis Hastert had a little proclivity with teenage boys that I have no doubt Clinton and the Dems knew all about. I would just about bet they blackmailed him with it.

    I can’t help but think Rep. Boner and Rep. Ryan have some serious skeletons in their closets as well.

  7. People forget about history, and will be doomed to repeat it. J. Edgar Hoover perfected blackmail, and they still use it today on every politician you know on both sides of the aisle. Somebody used the term “honeypot” above, everyone has a weakness, all you have to do is exploit it. These alphabet agencies don’t want access to all information for nothing, it’s so they can manipulate every politician or destroy those that won’t play ball. The biggest question is who is pulling the strings and why.

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