Photo via CNN

I’ve written about the enthusiasm gap between the Democrats and Republicans earlier this year.

READING THE TEA LEAVES: Hillary’s in for rough sledding, as are all Democrats in November

ENTHUSIASM GAP GROWING: Say hello to “President Trump” while Democrats suffer a bloodbath come November

In short, Republicans are energized and excited.  Democrats seem bored and uninspired by the Hillary vs. Bernie match-up.  If things don’t change dramatically, Democrats are in for a bloodbath this November.

Democrats saw 20% fewer primary voters this season than turned out for them in 2008 – 7 million fewer Democrats came out to vote in this year’s primary compared to 2008.

Republicans, on the other hand, saw over 38% more participation this year, compared to 2008.   Republican turnout in 2016 was up 57+% from 2012 – about ten million more votes, a year when pundits like Romney’s Campaign Mgr. Stuart Stevens told everyone who would listen that Republicans were “exceptionally motivated”.  If conservatives were “exceptionally motivated in 2012, then what would that make them today?

Hillary “won” her nomination with 1.6m fewer votes than in 2008 when she lost decisively to Barack Obama.  Donald Trump garnered more votes than any Republican nominee in history.





10 thoughts on “ENTHUSIASM GAP: 2016 Primaries a disaster for Democrats; Republicans set records”
  1. Super delegates might have given her the nomination over Bernie, but they don’t exist in November.

    1. Super delegates may not exist in the general, but dead people and gang bangers will always out vote non machine candidates in Chicago.

  2. Can’t speak for anyone else, but this lifelong Republican is neither excited nor energized. Since Trump is a loose cannon, the choice for president is who will hurt the country less. Then for senate I get to vote for a choice of two fools, either Kirk or the democrat fool. I think I’ll sit that one out.

    1. The Senate does perform critical duties such as nominating the Supreme Court justices. As that may be a big issue, I suggest that you hold your nose and vote for Kirk anyway as he may vote slightly better than the dem on some issues.

    2. Nominate? No, they approve or disapprove. And what will Kirk do? He’ll vote for anybody that Obama or anyone else nominates. He is currently one of only a few Republicans, if not the only one, wanting the senate to hold hearings on the current nominee. Tell me again why I should bother voting for him?

  3. People are angry.

    And then we’re treated to pictures and video of attacks on fellow Trump supporters.

    This pot is about to boil. And you won’t want to be around when it boils over.


  4. The Republican voters are excited, I fear the republican elite that refuses to see that we the voters are not happy with the way they have preformed, and don’t approve of the lack of support they are giving Trump. How can they be so blind and ignore us!!

  5. Duckworth has SAID some things I disapprove of. Kirk has DONE a lot I disapprove of. Actions speak louder than words.

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