
Seen in Collinsville, IL.

12 thoughts on “PLEASE PLAY NICE: Don’t vandalize the Sanders signs”
  1. I’ve been thinking about this Bernie socialism.

    Since I don’t have an AR shouldn’t you guys that own more than one AR share with those of us that don’t have one?

    Since I don’t have ammo shouldn’t you also kick in a few rounds of ammo as well?

    It only seems fair, after all aren’t we all equal?

    Surely you guys aren’t racist or bigots are you, or full of hate denying me the equality and joy as the rest of you?

    (Sarcasm Off)

    While the argument may seem ridiculous its being used to support social views and keep our borders open.

    In the end the values, traditions and faith that founded this nation will be destroyed, unless we the people can awaken to the manipulation of social engineering.

    1. Sure, I’ll share some of my ammo. It’ll be coming at you at roughly 1600 FPS, so you’d better catch.

  2. How true. A classic!

    Has anyone notice Bernie’s supporters are all either very young, very broke, or very deep in student loan debt? And I have yet to see a Bernie sticker on a car that wasn’t beat up or broken down.

    It is like these people are baby birds waiting for old Bernie to drop a worm in their mouths.

  3. Very few of the MSM will tell that Bernie is a socialist. Actually socialist means communist. Remember what Lenin said about socialism. The ultimate goal of socialism is communism. Doing the research one can find the number of people who have been executed because of communism over the years. Those who will speak out against it are the first ones to go.

    1. John wrote about the “enthusiasm gap” between real Americans and hard-core Democrats a week ago. If that holds, the Democrats aren’t going to do well this November.

      And with their leading turd, I mean candidate facing indictment, it will be interesting.


  4. It’ll depend on how self-destructive the GOP is at the convention. If they get behind a nominee and play nice (regardless of which candidate becomes the nominee), the Dems are doomed, I think.

    If the RNC starts playing games at the convention, it’ll be a rough election. Right now they have no love for either of the two front-runners and are desperately trying to save at least one of the other two. If they do that and change the rules and ignore the primary results, a lot of people will stay home and we’ll be trying to figure out what to call Bill. “First Dude” like Todd Palin?

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