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Can you imagine the outrage if we or any new media outlet referred to Barack Hussein Obama or his family as monkeys?  The din would be deafening.

However, there’s nothing but crickets from social justice warriors as Salon Magazine refers to Michelle Malkin as a monkey in their latest appalling attempt to demonize law-abiding gun owners on their kooky website.

Yes, the Salon Magazine blog is aberrant.  Just when you thought their pieces seeking “understanding” and “support” for people who admit their desires to molest children was the bottom of the bucket, they dig just a little deeper.

Their latest?  They call Michelle Malkin a monkey.  It happened in their latest  foot-stamping temper tantrum that they can’t get their way on gun control.  Here’s what poses for journalism at Salon (language content warning):

Gun nuts, the ultimate thought police: Shutting down an open debate after yet another mass shooting

A community college reels from a horrific massacre. The right tells us (again) to ignore the elephant in the room


(Editor’s note:  We’re not hotlinking this.  We’re not sending them traffic.)

The number of dead and injured at Umpqua Community College in Oregon is unconfirmed as I write this on Thursday afternoon. Early reports said as many as 20 people were killed, but that has since been revised down to 10, with another 10 or so injured. As always happens in a chaotic news event like a mass shooting, it will take some time to sort it all out.

Often in the wake of an act like Thursday’s, I have suggested that the anti-gun control crowd have the decency to shut the fuck up for a day or two.

Boo hoo.  We won’t STFU for a few days so the really smart people like Gary Legum at Salon can have the floor to dance in the blood of the victims before their lifeless bodies are even removed from the crime scene.   That’s just too bad.

That is because for all the caterwauling of gun control advocates, it seems clear to me that they have lost the fight. Contrary to the right-wing paranoia, the Second Amendment is in no danger of being repealed. It is nearly impossible to push even the mildest gun control measures through legislatures at either the federal or state level.

You want to know why it’s nearly impossible to push gun grabber schemes?  Because Americans don’t support those schemes and they’re not electing gun grabbers to public office outside of the major metropolitan areas for the most part.

The Senate took months to confirm our current surgeon general because he’d had the temerity to suggest research on the causes of gun violence might help us find solutions to reduce it. Gun nuts: You’ve won! It’s all over but the shooting shouting!

Gun nuts is a pejorative.  Just as calling Michelle Malkin or Barack Obama a monkey.

But no. The news barely broke before conservatives were all hands on deck to find scapegoats and spout the usual litany of talking points. You couldn’t throw a rock without hitting a #tcot saying the aftermath of the shooting is too soon to talk about gun control measures because that would be “politicizing” a tragedy. Presumably the special snowflakes of the anti-gun control crowd will tell the rest of society when they have mourned enough so that their delicate constitutions might permit us to have such a conversation.

National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke was quick to blame the media and second the idea that reporting on shootings leads to copycats. Right-wing rage monkey Michelle Malkin suggested gun control advocates refrain from commenting on breaking news of shootings, for reasons that elude all reasonable explanation. Does she think we’re going to find out the shooter used a marshmallow gun or actually stabbed all his victims with a grapefruit spoon?

Emphasis added.

F-bombs, ad hominem attacks and profanity:  hallmarks of a literary temper tantrum.  If the author had facts, logic and science on his side he wouldn’t need to resort to calling Michelle Malkin a monkey.

Congratulations Salon.

9 thoughts on “SALON MAG: Calls Michelle Malkin a “monkey” in latest anti-gun rant”
  1. Salon? Is that one of those socialist rags like the Huff po? I don’t read those….for they don’t have the temerity, honor or wit to gain my attention.
    Sorry to be not informed on Salon.
    Apparently those of us who are NOT racist also know better than to call a woman, NO matter the color, a Monkey. That is just not the honorable thing to do!

  2. If Michelle is a monkey, I wouldn’t mind being a monkey’s uncle.

    Maybe the author just had a brain fart, and was thinking of another Michelle when he was thinking about the monkey part.

    1. I didn’t notice any evidence of thinking . . . .
      but then I’m used to that when it comes to those who would address every issue in life with more government and less freedom.

  3. I could think of some monkey business I could get into with her.

    Consider the source. Only a hate-filled loon would call an attractive woman a monkey.

  4. The phrase monkey is a slang term describing Asians from the 16th century. Salon knows exactly what they are saying and doing with this attack.

    Liberalism is a disease!

  5. Liberals claim to be “diverse” but they are really the biggest bigots behind closed doors.

    Every once in a while they let their true feelings slip…


  6. Michelle Malkin is a beautiful, thoughtful woman who is far advanced mentally than many of the libiot haters that disparage her as well as other conservative well-read, writers of modern times. I read her 2 weekly columns (Wednesdays and Fridays)and she is extremely well informed on issues seldom in the lamestream “media” (aka:the enemedia) and it is very enlightening and informative.

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