The only thing that stops a bad guy with evil in his heart is a good guy with a gun.

It’s playing out again in Ferguson right now, once more.

At the Ferguson Market, twice looted in the last year, the owners are tired of trusting the police to keep their store secure.


They’ve spent some bucks and gunned up with shotguns and pistols.   Guess which parking lot the mob steered clear of when the store’s employees and friends went out armed to the teeth.

Here’s a raw video (NSFW… some language issues).  Watch it and note their guns…

Contrast that with this nearby parking lot which had no armed business owners or volunteers looking over it.  Be sure to watch this in HD.



And then there’s the reporters.

Infowars people had four heavily armed Oathkeepers watching over them.


They had no problems.

They were certainly a curiosity to the people on the streets though.

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The “authorities” called the presence of the four armed civilians – white men at that – “inflammatory”.

More unease in Ferguson as troop of white patriot ‘Oath Keepers’ patrol its streets armed with assault rifles as police chief says their presence is ‘inflammatory’

(Daily Mail) – Armed patriots have been seen patrolling the streets of Ferguson with assault rifles in a move described by police chiefs as ‘inflammatory’.

The four men identified themselves as ‘Oath Keepers’ as they arrived in the riot-torn Missouri city early on Tuesday morning

…The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization, has described the ‘Oath Keepers’ as a ‘fiercely anti-government, militaristic group,’ and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson.

‘Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory,’ he said, adding that police would work with county prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws.

Chief Belmar utterly botched response to the previous Ferguson riots in 2014 with over one thousand police officers over weeks of unrest.  Less than two dozen Oath Keepers restored order in just two nights in December 2014.

He was opposed to their presence back then too.

Not everyone availed themselves to the protection that armed good guys provide.

The St. Louis Post Dispatch had nobody watching over their reporters.  Here’s what happened to this one.

Photo via Twitter by  joelcurrier

Via Gateway Pundit

From Gateway Pundit.

Last night St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Paul Hampel was covering the anniversary protests in Ferguson, Missouri.

Paul was right in the mix of looting and violence when a group of protesters beat, stomped and robbed him.
He posted this right before the beating.






8 thoughts on “FERGUSON: Thugs steer clear of stores, reporters with armed security. Authorities call armed civilian good guys “inflammatory”.”
  1. Oath Keepers are Inflammatory? Looters and stray urban shooters are what then – Neighborhood Watch? Logic seems a bit backward here.

  2. Armed citizens keeping the criminal element “in check”, something the “popo” does not seem able or inclined to do is “inflamitory”, yet criminals breaking into legitimate business burglarizing and destroying property are NOT? What is wrong with these idiots?

  3. What mr. Peterson said!

    When armed good people are considered inflammatory, something is wrong and someone has an agenda.

    The local police and politicians have proven themselves paralyzed with fear of black thugs rioting.

    If you don’t confront evil, you will empower it.

  4. Welcome to the new “progressive” society where right is wrong, evil is good, and perversion & immorality are celebrated.

  5. The street officers support the oathkeepers and armed citizens 100%.

    The elected”leaders” and their minion chiefs of police agencies,want the rioters,looters and anarchists to have” room to destroy”.

    THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER should stay out of this conservation along with staff of post-disgrace.

    Which of the groups actually is helping the citizens and business in Ferguson?

    They closed the schools so the children would not be in the middle of the riots.

    It’s quite apparent those elected to office are not in control.have no intention to restore order.Yet the complain about the people whom do so with out a government paycheck.

    Wonder whom is giving service to taxpayers.

  6. After a quick stroll through Paul Hampel’s Twitter it’s apparent he thinks he’s one of the “good white guys.” I love it when their face collides head-first into reality.

    1. “A Conservative is just a liberal who got mugged.”

      It’s as true today as it was 30 years ago.

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