AP photo via Breitbart.

I was shocked.

These people aren’t even supposed to be in America.

Imagine, an America with 30% fewer homicides.  Would that not be a good thing?

Illegal Alien Crime Accounts for over 30% of Murders in Many States

(Breitbart) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump deserves credit for forcing all 17 Republican candidates to talk about the social costs of illegal immigration, but it is not “Trump’s issue.” We will be making a fatal mistake if we let the media discuss it that way.

…Think of illegal immigration this way: If the liberal media can keep illegal alien crime out of the “kitchen table debate,” they can keep any issue out of the debate. And they will if they can get away with it. For those reasons, illegal immigration is much more than an issue of public policy; it is the poster child for media malpractice.

…The mainstream media – including, sadly, major segments of the presumably conservative media, like the Wall Street Journal — are working overtime to keep the American public and the American voters in the dark on the scope of illegal alien crime. The murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco exposed only the tip of a massive iceberg, and the media establishment is desperate to avoid dealing with the iceberg underneath.

Let’s look at a few numbers. You haven’t seen them in the New York Times, Atlanta Constitution, or the Miami Herald, nor have they been featured on NBC Nightly news or CNN. So, the average American is blissfully unaware of them.

  • Between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens. In New York it was 34% and Arizona 17.8%.
  • During those years, criminal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in the five states of California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York, while illegal aliens constitute only 5.6% of the total population in those states.
  • That 38% represents 7,085 murders out of the total of 18,643.

That 5.6% figure for the average illegal alien population in those five states comes from US Census estimates. We know the real number is double that official estimate. Yet, even if it is 11%, it is still shameful that the percentage of murders by criminal aliens is more than triple the illegal population in those states.



4 thoughts on “IT’S A CRIME: ILLEGAL ALIENS convicted in over 30% of homicides in some states”
  1. Lets talk illegal immigration.

    They’re willing to disenfranchise 11-30 million American citizens so
    They can stay in POWER, their only interested in one thing POWER.
    That is the prism through which every thing is filtered.

    They’re in favor, it’s a no brainer. Since 1973 ROE v WADE they have
    effectively killed almost 60,000,000., of their natural voters. As
    True the Vote sweeps the nation, voter fraud just won’t cut it any more.
    The group that LBJ was counting on for increased voters have decimated
    themselves over abortion, crime, illegitimacy, and welfare. Americas
    inner cities are burning supposedly because of white police officers,
    but really over the power structure they live under, and sooner or later
    they will realize that structure is entirely Democratic. If they bolt
    the party, the Democrats are done. So they need voters in a hurry, and
    they don’t care where they come from, as long as it’s from the 3rd world.
    Believe me if these 11 – 30 million illegals were from northern Europe,
    Israel, Canada, Japan, Korea, India or China they would be demanding
    to have them tossed out of the country. You can’t have people that
    will contribute to the country.

    They’re willing to disenfranchise 11-30 million American citizens so
    they’re friends in business can have cheap labor.

    They’re in favor, it’s a no brainer. Cheap labor that then depresses the
    whole labor market. Labor costs low, profit high, this is simple mathematics. 30% of young black males are un-employed, there would be a whole lot of jobs if there were no illegals. Then there is the high-tech H1B visa scam. Business says they can’t find qualified U.S. workers, bull shit. What they mean is they have to pay an American worker twice what they have to pay a south Asian. No your wrong, you say. Then we should test it, make business pay a H1B tax per visa, say $100,000. per year. Then will see how many are left after the 1st year.

    We have E-Verify. The penalty for hiring an illegal is, I believe, a $10,000. fine and 1 year in jail, per employee, for the employer. Screw the fine, make the 1 year in jail MANDATORY. Rigorously prosecute, then will see how many jobs for illegals are left.

  2. Have all the progressives and liberals to support adopt a illegal alien felon program. It would solve two problems… we would know where the felons are and the liberal/progressive population would shrink.

  3. Total bullshit how illegals have integrated themselves into America. I remember my dad recalling how an illegal he knew was escorted from his jobsite at gunpoint fifty years ago.

    Today, they live with impunity in our nation.

    Killing, robbing and raping Americans.

    Trump had it right: a few of them are good people.

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