
Just found this, courtesy of Legal Insurrection.

Many marathon races have local bands that come in and provide some entertainment along the route, as much for those watching the race as anything else.

Well, some guys at Leiper’s Fork, TN set up their little “band” at the Franklin Half Marathon.  It was the band from hell, if you were one of the runners.  A banjo-pickin’ band next to an old, old pickup truck with a patio umbrella in back and overall-wearing guys playing the part deliciously.  All sorts of hilarity broke loose as the guys heckled the runners.

“What are ya’all runnin’ from?”

“Where you goin?  Somebody after you?”

“There might be some pigs down there!”

“Look at that one’s legs!”

“You sure do have a purdy mouth!”

“Slow down young man!”

And a slew of other amusing antics, including “abducting” one of the “runners”.  Credit goes to April Cantrell for capturing a few minutes of their antics.  We bring it to you because, well, it’s just darn funny.

Oh yeah, if you’re running – in a marathon or otherwise – and you hear banjos, you might run faster.  Especially if you’re not packing heat.

4 thoughts on “MARATHON TIP: If you hear banjos, run faster”
  1. I’m thinking we should have these guys set up shop right out side Madigan’s and Cullerton’s offices.

    1. Wats rong wit overalls? Some of the hardest working people in the nation wear em. proud to be a redneck.

  2. I can’t think of a single living relative of mine who wears overalls.

    My coal-mining great uncles and grandfather, now that’s a different story. They weren’t banjo pickers though.

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