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Shannon Watts, Michael Bloomberg and all the rest of the far leftist gun control industry would have us all disarmed and passive in the face of violent attack.  Because, of course, we can all work things out by talking about it.

Except when we can’t.

Here’s a video of a pajama boy and his girlfriend being accosted by four Muslim toughs.  He’s a lover, not a fighter.  He might need to find himself a new girlfriend after seeing what happens in this video, as not only does he not engage the attackers, but he also abandons his girlfriend to the predators who have no qualms about hitting women.

If he was a real man, this video would have had a very different ending.

If he was a prudent man, who carried with him the means with which he could defend himself, his loved ones and other innocent life from violent criminal predatory attack, this video would have had a very different ending.

And for the untrained, here’s a hint:  While the aggressors were “unarmed”, there was a disparity of force in terms of numbers.  Even unarmed, a group attacking a single person means death or great bodily injury is likely to occur and deadly force in response is justified.  Furthermore, all members of the attacking group share responsibility, so they all can eat some lead or face an edged weapon so long as they persist in continuing the attack.

But the individual in this video was not a real man, nor a prudent man.

He was a passive sissy-boy, with any aggressiveness trained out of him by pacifists in the liberal public education system.



Viewer Discretion Advised.

h/t to Miguel at Gun Free Zone.  Miguel’s take:  “If you look like food, you will be eaten.”

15 thoughts on “SAM COLT WOULD HAVE MADE THEM EQUAL: Couple attacked by quartet of Muslims”
  1. If that had been my daughter, and seeing that tape…

    She would be single again.

    One way or another.

    1. They say daughters seek men that have traits like their father. If that’s the case I have no worries, and I doubt you’d have any problems either.

  2. Good grief. he never even threw a punch. If some little punk ever hit my wife I would completely lose it. I may not win but they will feel some pain. To not even try to defend yourself, i have no words I can put here.

  3. To not defend yourself? Your choice.

    To not defend your wife/girlfriend/child from violence? Inexcusable. No real man would shirk his basic duties as a husband/father/man.

    Next time you read some gun-hating pantywaist tell you that you’re better off unarmed, think of this man as the person saying it.

    My barely teenage grand-daughter would have fought back more (and better thanks to her TKD lessons) that that pathetic “pajama boy”.


  4. Did I just see him walk away from her and try to save his own Ass?? What the F$ck!! he deserved the ass beating. She of course did not deserve anything! Lets all just get along.. Yeah.. right.. how about lets all just be prepared.. and ARMED!

  5. The first four stories this morning on WCIA.
    1-another shooting.
    2-another murder (by gun)
    3- another murder ( by stabbing)
    4- meth arrest (the guy looks like he’s possessed)
    And they wonder why we wanted to finally get our right to carry?!

  6. Saved… by the shopkeeper, who was smaller than any of the attackers (or the victims, for that matter) but had a bulldog attitude.

    And, when Pajama Boy was laying on the ground, with assailants kicking him – the shod human foot is lethal in that situation. A proportionate response would be…

    1. I’m confident it won’t be
      1 – Allah
      2 – 72 Virgins
      3 – Little boys fresh for sodomization.

  7. This was in (not-so-great) Briton where muslims are overrunning the place and where firearms and manhood have been outlawed

  8. I have watched this video several times. It’s disturbing on several levels. I wonder though if the shop/house/apartment they are at is their destination? I say this because the man knocks on the window and the lady stays there. If someone were attacking me on the street, the whole flight or fight mode would kick in. She does neither, not to mention that the man does nothing to defend her which is deplorable, but she should also be defending herself. Or deploying the Nike defense and running the heck away.

  9. Had he used any force multipliers in the UK, even while in the right, he would be prosecuted for using an “offensive weapon”. It doesn’t take a lead weight to fall on me to know that self-defense there in even worse than in California, New Jersey/New York and Washington D.C. At least there you might survive the encounter intact and protect your companion. In the U.K. you don’t stand a chance anymore….This is what happens in a disarmed society, the pack animals rule….

  10. Had that been my wife and I, she probably would have beat me to the draw with her. .38. If Allah were real they would have been killed by a woman and gone straight to hell; do not pass go and do not collect $200!

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