Lt. Col. Dave Grossman will be presenting a one-day seminar in Mt. Vernon on May 16, 2015.
The topic will be security in churches, but the material will be applicable in all areas of life, not just churches.
For more information or to register, visit this link.
Take some extra money to buy “The Bulletproof Mind” series on DVD, and his books “On Killing” and “On Combat”.
Grossman is at the forefront of mindset issues relating to self-defense.
I have had the privilege to see Dave on several occasions. He will change your mindset. I can’t recommend this enough!
I’ve have to work that day – otherwise I would be there. My wife and I attended an amazing session with Lt. Col. Grossman at the last NRA meeting. The concepts and approach he teaches are simple but based on the truth. He will change how you think about self-defense and the defense of others. He will change how you train and prepare to defend yourself.
Every church within driving distance should have a representative at this seminar.
I’ve heard only good stuff about this guy.
Mt. Vernon’s a little far for me to drive to see him though.
“Take some extra money to buy “The Bulletproof Mind” series on DVD, and his books “On Killing” and “On Combat”. ”
A link:
Great news… our church might send representation? How do we find the church? What do we need to do to sign up? Thanks