Garry McCarthy. Street-light assassin.


Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy was crediting his policing strategies earlier this year when crime was down.

Chicago (Tribune) – Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on Wednesday said the number of shootings, particularly gang-related ones, has dropped sharply in the first 2 ½ months of 2014.

At a news conference at a police station in the Englewood neighborhood, one of the city’s most violent over the years, McCarthy downplayed the harsh winter season as a factor, instead crediting crime-fighting strategies he has initiated over the last year and a half.

Now, in a presser on Monday morning after a disastrous weekend of nearly 100 people shot in an orgy of violence, does he again credit crime-fighting strategies he initiated these last two years?

Not at all! reports:

“Chicago’s police superintendent lashed out at what he called lax state and federal gun laws after a violent Fourth of July weekend that saw 11 deaths in dozens of shooting incidents in a city already known for frequent shootings.”

13 thoughts on “SURPRISE! Chicago’s police chief now blames guns, not his crime-fighting strategies for holiday orgy of violence.”
  1. i bet if someone was to turn the lights off and on real quick, you’ll see quickdraw the street light shooter.

  2. McCarthy is why EVERY law abiding citizen in Chicago needs to carry, they surely can’t count on this drunken pile of dog waste to keep them safe. McCarthy needs to resign then crawl back under Rahms desk to do what he does best.

  3. That drunken schmuck should have sobered up a little more before he delivered that news conference.

    With idiots like this at the helm of local government and CPD it’s no wonder the city is known as Chiraq.

    I’ve met a couple of Chicago cops over the years and to the man they’ve been decent people.

    Of course, they were gun guys like me… I met them at ranges, not behind some sleazy hotel at 3am.


  4. Hey mc Carthy I know you’re not that dumb guns don’t kill people. People kill people. If you ever catch one of them. See if he has a f o I d card. Do b background check on him make sure he bought the gun legally. Yea and while your at it see if he has a concealed carry lisense. Then you will know what’s wrong. …

  5. All these shootings and how many arrests and how many convictions?

    If this idiot did his job most of these dirt bags would be in jail, not out on the streets.

    By his own rules, he should not be allowed to posess or carry a gun himself.

  6. Read what 2nd City Cop has to say about this lame brain. I thinking that with Rahmbo’s reelection plans currently on the ropes that he might soon be dumping Garbo in a move to bolster his campaign.

  7. that a significant number of these shootings are DEFENSIVE in nature and that THAT is why those twerps blame the “gun”? This would CERTAINLY explain why there are so few prosecutions, much less arrests.

    Imagine the street light shooter having to face a press that has in hand the numbers – showing that possibly even the majority of these shootings were just folks defending themselves! Put the FOID and permit aside – cuz EVERYONE holds the right to keep and bear arms to defend themselves.

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