Jacob Sullum has a pretty decent piece at Reason.com about the growing militarization of America’s cops and the consequences thereof.

Burned Babies and the Militarization of American Policing

by Jacob Sullum

(Reason.com) – In a Salon essay published today, Alecia Phonesavanh recalls the night her 19-month-old son, Bounkham (a.k.a. Bou Bou), was horribly injured by a flash-bang grenade tossed into his crib during a fruitless drug raid in Habersham County, Georgia. “It’s been three weeks since the flashbang exploded next to my sleeping baby,” she writes, “and he’s still covered in burns. There’s still a hole in his chest that exposes his ribs. At least that’s what I’ve been told; I’m afraid to look.”

Phonesavanh argues that the SWAT team, which consisted of Harbersham County sheriff’s deputies and Cornelia police officers, should have known there were children in the house, where she and her family were staying with relatives after a fire destroyed their home in Wisconsin. “Some of my kids’ toys were in the front yard,” she says, and on their way into the house, the officers passed a minivan with child seats inside and stickers on the back window representing “a dad, a mom, three young girls, and one baby boy.” The family’s lawyer likewise has noted that even rudimentary surveillance of the house should have discovered evidence of children. Police, who were looking for the Phonesavanhs’ 30-year-old nephew, Wanis Thonetheva, seem to have relied on the assurances of an undercover agent who visited only briefly and did not enter the house.

So that is one possible lesson to draw from this appalling incident: Before tossing explosive, incendiary devices into the homes they attack in the middle of the night, police should do more to verify that no children are present. But Phonesavanh also suggests that police too readily resort to paramilitary assaults that put innocent people, adults as well as children, at risk:

    Flashbang grenades were created for soldiers to use during battle. When they explode, the noise is so loud and the flash is so bright that anyone close by is temporarily blinded and deafened….

    My husband’s nephew, the one they were looking for, wasn’t there. He doesn’t even live in that house. After breaking down the door, throwing my husband to the ground, and screaming at my children, the officers—armed with M16s—filed through the house like they were playing war. They searched for drugs and never found any.

As a new report from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) documents, this sort of disproportionate response is common when police serve drug warrants. SWAT teams, originally intended for special situations involving hostages, active shooters, or riots, today are routinely used to execute drug searches. Examining a sample of more than 800 SWAT deployments by 20 law enforcement agencies in 2011 and 2012, the ACLU found that 79 percent involved searches, typically for drugs. Research by Eastern Kentucky University criminologist Peter Kraska has yielded similar numbers.

These operations are inherently dangerous, especially since armed men breaking into a house while the occupants are sleeping can easily be mistaken for burglars, with deadly consequences for cops, occupants, or both. Even when no one dies or suffers serious injuries, SWAT raids feature the destruction of property (starting with broken doors and smashed windows), the manhandling and detention of innocent people, and the more-than-occasional killing of beloved family pets. All things to be avoided, you might think, unless absolutely necessary.

There’s more…

6 thoughts on “PLAYING WAR: Increasing militarization of America’s local police has tragic consequences”
  1. Radley Balko has written a book on the topic, spanning back decades. It certainly is a big problem and it’s getting increasingly worse. The book is called Rise of the Warrior Cop. He’s worth following on Facebook.

  2. Ah, nice, he’s mentioned in the article. 🙂

    Great reviews from major publications on the Amazon page.

    “The Economist
    “Mr Balko manages to avoid the clichés of both right and left, and provokes genuine outrage at the misuse of state power in its most brutal and unaccountable form: heavily armed police raiding the homes of unarmed, non-violent suspects on the flimsiest of pretexts, and behaving more like an occupying army in hostile territory than guardians of public safety. “Rise of the Warrior Cop”, Mr Balko’s interesting first book, explains what policies led to the militarisation of America’s police. To his credit, he focuses his outrage not on the police themselves, but on politicians and the phoney, wasteful drug war they created.”

  3. America simply cannot endure as a supposed free nation with this type of police behavior. Either we are a free society or we are a police state, I really cannot see a middle ground in all this. All too often, mistakes get made and the wrong people end up paying the price. And I’ve never been anti-cop, I’ve always tried to be the guy that supports his local police, but we need smart police tactics that use common sense. I’m tired of reading about innocent people getting shot because the police went to the wrong house, or people’s pets being killed, etc… We’ve gone over the proverbial slippery slope I fear.

  4. Where did you find that picture of the purple grabastic yahoos at?

    I’m no fan of militarization of our local cops. Too many should join the army if they want to engage in combat like that.

    They should try more knocking on doors with a warrant in hand instead of calling out the “play soldiers”.


  5. About that picture…. Do they pay the ones in front extra so they’ll kneel while their buddies behind them point weapons at their heads, or do they take turns being the target?

  6. I wonder how many of us. Would be throwil lead if you heard that coming thru your door at nite. I know my bed partner has 28 rounds in her ..””..

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