What happens when politicians get a little too flippant about dismissing people’s Second Amendment rights?
Well, of late, these politicians been subject to expensive (for them) recall elections.
If the recall election in Colorado is any barometer, it’s not going to go well for these pols – Democrats all.
Robert Farago’s The Truth About Guns blog provided a list of council members subject to the recall:
Farago of TTAG covered it and offered the following background:
Your humble correspondent was there on the fateful night when the Exeter Town Council shirked its responsibility to issue concealed carry permits to residents and punted the job to the RI Attorney General. This they did in front of dozens of townies and an equal amount of concerned NRA members. All of whom were pissed off because RI cities and towns are “shall issue” for the CCW permitting process, whereas the Attorney General’s office operates on a “may issue” basis—despite the RI Constitution’s crystal clarity on gun rights (“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”) The council’s excuse: they didn’t have the resources for the job. In other words, they wanted residents to jump through lots of hoops for their permit and didn’t want to be responsible for the hoopla.
Petitions were successfully circulated recalling all of the Democrats.
The Providence Journal has reported the election is on for early December:
Mary B. Hall, chairwoman of the Board of Canvassers, said the recall vote will take place either the first or second week of December. The decision will be made next week.
If residents vote in favor of recalling the four council members — President Arlene B. Hicks, Vice President William Monahan, Robert Johnson and Calvin A. Ellis, all Democrats — the three people who were on the ballot for Town Council but did not get in, all Republicans, will become the new council members.
They and Raymond A. Morrissey Jr., an independent and the one council member not facing recall, would appoint a fifth council person, according to Hall.
Nice elitist self righteous smile on their face. I wonder if Colorado still has those boots available to kick their socialist backside out. Maybe a busted butt is covered on OBAMAcareless.
When can we start recalls in IL?