We’ve got one or two of our faithful who are set to take some pics and send a report if anything exciting or meaningful happens.

Word has it there will be more than a few pro-gun folks in the audience.

If you’re in the neighborhood, stop on by.  Take some photos and send us a note with anything memorable.

Templar223 at Comcast dot net is the email address.

Here’s what the local paper wrote about it:

CHARLESTON (JG-TC) — Two German police representatives will lead a discussion on how the issues of gun control are being handled in Europe during a gun forum at 7 p.m. Monday at Eastern Illinois University’s Lumpkin Hall Auditorium.

Det. Captain Franz Plueckthun, commander of Undercover Operations of the Bavarian State Police, and Michael Tentler, consultant for the German BKA (FBI), will lead the discussion, according to a press release from the university.

In addition, Hafeez Muhammad, long-time resident and community activist of Chicago, will address the problem of gun shootings in Chicago.

Be sure to ask Hafeez why he’s advocating more failed gun control proposals, especially when the current strict handgun control in Chicago left that city with 532 homicides last year, while Illinois’ second largest city, Aurora, without Chicago-style strict gun control had exactly ZERO homicides last year!

Also, revisit our “Words Have Meaning” post.


4 thoughts on “Anti-gun forum tonight at Eastern IL University”
  1. Maybe they should hold a seminar on not allowing buses from Chicago to come down here to shoot up their campus again!

  2. I was glad to see that GSL’s Don Huskey from Effingham was present and spoke to the issue. The Eastern Illinois University’s “Daily Eastern News” gave a full 1/2 FRONT page coverage on Tue, including Don’s photo w/microphone in hand.
    ABSOLUTELY NOTHING appeared in the local paper, Journal Gazette-Times Courier, on Tue OR Wed.
    I sent an email to Carl Walworth, the JG-TC Editor, and asked why there was no coverage of this, a local, city, county, state, country and even international issue.
    The stated attitude of the hosts of the forum, both from Europe (Germany and Bavaria), was that guns should not be so freely carried, as they often are in America.
    A “Community Activist” from Chicago stated, “..simply regulating guns would not end the problem (of gun violence)”.
    I too, wonder who footed the bill to bring those two anti-gunners to Eastern’s campus.
    The Daily News article stated that the auditorium was full and at one point “the crowd immediately broke into adamant dispute….”

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