…for the high crime of selling guns.

That’s right.

Authorize.net / CyberSource abruptly and without warning ended its credit-card processing services for Hyatt Gun Shop of Charlotte, NC.

(Washington Examiner) – A subsidiary of Visa, a key Obama campaign donor, that specializes in credit card transactions has abruptly stopped servicing the nation’s largest gun store after four years because the store sells guns, a fact the owners never hid.

Hyatt Gun Shop of Charlotte, N.C., told Secrets that the subsidiary, Authorize.net/CyberSource, simply sent an email to owner Larry Hyatt to announce that it was suddenly breaking off the business relationship. The reason: “The sale of firearms or any similar product.”

The company email said that gun sales violated a section of the service agreement the two signed over four years ago and after Hyatt went into detail about its sales and products — and name.

“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Justin Anderson, Hyatt’s marketing director. He said it took a week and thousands of dollars to line up a “gun friendly” credit card processor for online sales.
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The brushoff of Hyatt’s business has sparked a national boycott effort against Authorize.net and parent company CyberSource organized by the website Grass Roots North Carolina. “It looks like the small but noisy anti-gun crowd has gotten to what must be a jelly-spined PR department at CyberSource and Authorize.Net. Either that, or leadership at these companies have simply become anti-gun all on their own,” said the website in announcing the boycott.

The abrupt decision in recent days isn’t without fallout for Authorize.net as angry gun owners are looking to organize a boycott of the company.



4 thoughts on “VISA-owned credit card processor drops America’s largest gun store”
  1. Isn’t NRA offering a VISA card?

    Who knows – not using VISA for gun purchases might make it harder for the NSA to snoop!

  2. I have been paying cash when I buy a gun. Don’t need to give 3% to visa when I buy guns. Just go to the bank an withdraw money.

  3. The way the story is written I wonder if their brains couldn’t support an orignal idea and though by themselves. Something had to convince the sheeple. Tacticalshirts is raising the stink, along with many others.

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