Men stand outside Convenience For You store that sells liquor on Madison Street in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago. Ald. Deborah Graham, 29th, lifted a moratorium banning new liquor stores on the block. After the Tribune questioned Graham about the liquor store, she introduced a new ordinance reinstating the liquor moratorium and most of the liquor signs in the windows of this store were replaced by ones for food. (Alex Garcia, Chicago Tribune /August 22, 2013)
The Chicago Tribune committed a bit of journalistic malpractice this weekend by reporting on how the City of Chicago gave a $105,000 grant to a gang-banger dope dealer to open another liquor store in the slums of Chicago.
After all, the ghetto denizens of the west side certainly need more lottery tickets, liquor and tobacco, right?
The kicker? The City of Chicago sent the new owner a letter along with the check for taxpayer funds, saying “Thank you for reinvesting in the City of Chicago!”
And some people wonder why Chicago isn’t safe and won’t be anytime soon?
If those morons in Chicago city government can’t think of a better place to put their community development money than liquor stores, then they really are a special kind of stupid.
One local resident asked if pawn shops and liquor stores were the City of Chicago’s idea of development.
Chicago sity govermint must have gotten some of that 20 billion dollars missing from the federal reserve’s “books”. Or maybe they can print their own money like osama.
You have got to be kiding me!
I wonder what would happen if a request for city money were made to open a gun shop?
That might be a fun project for someone.
We know the person would be turned down but after all the Right to keep and bears arms is in the constitution, if the city supports liquor stores why not a gun shop?
Anyone near chicago ready to have some fun.
Go to the city council and ask to speak on behalf of starting a gun shop?
Ask/Axe for a shooting range and watch their head collapse in on itself.