Wow. Great piece in the National Review.
Short and to the point.
Colorado Springs (National Review) — …
The national implications of this are significant. When Bill Clinton signed the 1994 “assault weapons” ban, he didn’t just lose the House, he also lost the argument for 20 years. Colorado was supposed to be the blueprint for other “purple” states. If gun control could be done here, then why not in Pennsylvania, or Nevada — or even Texas? Now, it will presumably be difficult to convince state legislatures in other parts of the country to touch the question of guns. Privately, defenders of Morse have shared with me that, while they wanted their man to win, they wish he hadn’t put the Democratic party in this position. This is wise. Gun control rarely works out well for the party.
… So too maligned were the parade of little groups that sprung up to fight the government. Women who testified — some of them, like Kimberly Weeks and Amanda Collins, victims of rape — were cruelly rebuffed; genuine advocates, like the six men who founded the Basic Freedom Defense Fund, were dismissed erroneously as “AstroTurf”; and the plucky little guerrilla group, Pueblo Freedom and Rights, which was started by three formerly apolitical blue-collar twentysomethings, was described variously, its founder, Victor Head told me, as being made up of “peons” and “nuts,” and guilty of representing “amateur hour.”
Nevertheless, by the end of the process, so anxious were the opponents of the recall that they felt compelled to rely heavily on Michael Bloomberg, who sent $350,000 to Colorado to fight the threat; members of Obama’s ground team were brought in to boost turnout, and even former president Bill Clinton was wheeled in at the last minute to try to tip the scales.
None of it worked. This was the recall that never supposed to happen — let alone be successful. The nine men who set the ball rolling weren’t supposed to be capable of organizing a town hall, let alone taking down the state-senate president. And yet they did it. Victor Head, a plumber who had never been politically active, took down a senator in a district that went Democratic in 2012 by ten points; a group of six concerned men from the chat room removed the state’s top-ranking legislator. …
… But the truth remains that the power that the defenders of the Second Amendment enjoy lies in the appeal of the Second Amendment itself — and, too, in that peculiar American genius for liberty and democracy. “Join or Die” says the famous flag. Here, enough people did to make a difference. …
“Amateur hour?” Perhaps. But, as is proper in a republic, the amateurs were victorious.
Bengazi, NSA, DEA, THE entire IRS, OBAMAcareless economic slavery program, DOJ, Fast and Furious/Gunwalker, American Legion IRS purge, RINOS, Democrats, president talking out of both side of his mouth at the same time, Forign policy that says “IMPLANT A PAIR”. The words “trust me I’m from the government” has always been gone. It is going to be the patroits to get a country back not amateurs.
Patriots usually are amateurs. It the professional politicians that we need to keep an eye on. Many of the serious problems we are facing (NSA spying, IRS political discrimination, Obamacare, the debt, Fast &Furious, Bengazi, etc) were caused by professional politicians making decisions that benefited themselves to the detriment of the rest of us. The founders wanted this country to be run by citizen legislators – amateurs. We need a lot more of what just happened in Colorado.
This is a prime example of why our founding fathers wrote the constitution, for the good of Americans. This also show’s what American citizen can do if and when they get involved and educate themselves to our inherint ability of rights and act upon them.
One Nation, with liberty and justice for all.