Good news!

Buckeye Firearms Association is back online!

Even better new… they raised $12,000+ for a new arsenal for George Zimmerman.

Website attack fails to stop Zimmerman fundraiser

In the early hours of Wednesday, July 24, 2013, a cyber attack took down our website.

This isn’t the first time we’ve been the victim of an attack. In fact, it happens all the time. In most cases, though, these attacks are unsuccessful or so minor that they go largely unnoticed. The attack on Wednesday, however, not only took out our website, it effectively shut down our hosting company, disabling thousands of other sites.

We’ve been asked by local and federal authorities not to reveal specifics before they complete their investigation, however we can say that we quickly identified the culprit and his motive. The attacker wanted to stop our fundraiser for George Zimmerman.

He took our site offline, but he failed to stop the fundraiser.

…Despite the attack and despite the venomous verbal assaults online and death threats to our leaders, in about three days, Buckeye Firearms Foundation collected 774 donations from 48 states, plus Australia, Lithuania, and Switzerland, totaling well over $12,000. Ken Hanson, legal counsel for the Foundation, spoke to Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, to make arrangements for him to receive the funds and give them to his client. O’Mara agreed to provide proof that Mr. Zimmerman personally received the check.

On Thursday, July 25, we cut a check for $12,150.37 and put it into a FedEx envelope for overnight delivery. According to FedEx Tracking, O’Mara’s office received the check on Friday afternoon, July 26.


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