No money for swimming pools for troops but Obama can blow $100M on an African vacation
Pools are closed for our military because of the budget sequestration, the White House is closed for tours and there’s still plenty of money for our president to jet away to Africa for a $100M vacation and pledge another $7B in money we don’t have for aid.

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. (Military Times) — At a naval base that’s home to many sailors in the special warfare community, a large tarp is pulled over the base’s only outdoor lap pool.
Lounge chairs are piled in high stacks and what little water was visible in the swimming pool on a recent visit appeared a dark shade of green.
Elsewhere at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, a water park that’s highly popular with the children of service members is open one less day a week this summer.
In the sweltering days of summer, members of the military and their families like to cool off by using low-cost swimming pools found on many bases around the world.
But this year the annual tradition of swimming laps under the sun and whizzing down waterslides behind heavily protected gates is taking a hit due to automatic budget cuts.
Zimmerman trial.
Talk of rioting and racial strife grows if George Zimmerman is acquitted in his show trial, fueled by trash-talking low-information voters on social media.

Infowars (aka the Alex Jones crew) have posted a couple of stories that Drudge has linked to suggesting there may be race riots scattered across the nation. The one today is reporting Sanford, Florida’s police chief and his concerns about racial unrest in his city following a verdict. We are a little skeptical about Infowars (but we do sometimes appreciate their reporting on TSA abuses).
Gabby Giffords
Gabby Giffords has a long, long way to come in her recovery from an attempted assassination. We wish her the best on that recovery, but don’t appreciate how she’s prostituted herself out gun-grabbing billionaires to lobby for taking away Americans’ rights.
Today, she’s trying to remain relevant shooting a gun for the first time. Her hubby snatched the gun out of her hand after she fires a shot as she’s being very unsafe.
A good video: My rights trump your dead.
Four minutes of well-stated advocacy.
The other side can’t say this. Not by a long shot.
Gun control off the national radar
Gun control’s relevance has dwindled to near zero, when regular Americans are asked about the important issues facing America. The most recent Gallup poll shows gun control doesn’t even show up in the top fifteen concerns of Americans.

This explains why we see two, three, and four anti-gun protesters showing up at anti-gun rallies of late.
Farewell to Arms Freedom Rally last Sunday…
Check out the photo gallery from the Farewell to Arms Freedom rally.
These photos from the Denver Post story. Click here to see the rest.
On Monday, Coloradoans conducted a magazine exchange on the steps of the capitol building.
The newest scam gun group: American Rifle and Pistol Association
Yes, a few years ago it was the American Shooting and Hunting Association or something like that. It disappeared when their initial cash infusion from the gun grabbers evaporated.
Now we’ve got the newest faux-NRA, the American Rifle and Pistol Association.
As far as we can tell, they don’t even have a webpage, but they do have a Facebook page and are full of talk that sounds a lot like it might be written by Bloomberg’s NYC-paid MAIG workers.
We won’t link to them.