A young woman lays down on the grave of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Noah Pier on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery May 31, 2010 in Arlington, Virginia. Pier was killed Feburary 12, 2010 in Marja, Afghanistan. His obituary read, “Noah was such a happy man and he loved to laugh. He greatly anticipated coming home from Afghanistan to marry his childhood sweetheart, Rachel Black. His laughter and love of life will be sorely missed.” This was the 142nd Memorial Day observance at the cemetery. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
john 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
God, please, bless all of our brave service personel that have been taken from this life, comfort their families through their grief and loss and please, Lord, watch over those who watch over and protect us from our enemies. God, please bless America again, and guide our leaders to uphold their oaths and abide by our Constitution to bring our county back to prosperity. Amen.
I taught about an hour and a half lesson today at Juvenile Detention, to nine kids who otherwise would not know what Memorial Day is all about. They know now. They need to hear it. I wonder what they’ve been taught at the public schools. Not much, I’m afraid.
God bless em all….
john 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
God, please, bless all of our brave service personel that have been taken from this life, comfort their families through their grief and loss and please, Lord, watch over those who watch over and protect us from our enemies. God, please bless America again, and guide our leaders to uphold their oaths and abide by our Constitution to bring our county back to prosperity. Amen.
I taught about an hour and a half lesson today at Juvenile Detention, to nine kids who otherwise would not know what Memorial Day is all about. They know now. They need to hear it. I wonder what they’ve been taught at the public schools. Not much, I’m afraid.