While New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Michael Bloomberg enjoy professionally-trained security teams with standard-capacity magazines, everyday American citizens in that state are limited to an arbitrary seven-rounds in their magazines.

Seven rounds.

That’s not even four double-taps.

Why is this significant to the safety of NY families?

Because, as Bob Owens notes, bad guys are showing up in groups of two to four or more to commit their crimes.

The days of attacks by individual bad guys is over.

From metropolitan Philadelphia, PA to tiny Wilmer, AL, to North Woodmere, Long Island, NY, to Suitland, MD, and Pine Township, IN, home invaders are now commonly showing up in teams of 2-4 violent, armed criminals, willing to murder you and your family to get what the want.

Gun rights activists aren’t sitting back doing nothing.

One activist is producing videos aimed at low-information voters showing why standard-capacity magazines are in their best interests.  Here’s the first of those (hat tip to Bob Owens).



But that’s not all.

Roughly 140 American firearms manufacturing and accessory companies and distributors have pledged to suspend *all* sales – including those to state, county and local government agencies – to states like New York that prohibit their states’ residents from using standard-capacity magazines.

The Police Loophole has one list.

An NC Gun Blog has the other one.

Contact your legislators and let them know that you are opposed to any arbitrary limitations on magazine capacities.  Your family’s lives are worth just as much as the governor’s family.


3 thoughts on “The seven-round hypocrisy in New York State”
  1. Those who claim authority to limit magazines to only seven rounds are those who view their elected positions as spots to ALLOW PERMISSION. The extent of their PERMISSION is not 30 or even 10, but instead they only PERMIT 7.

    That garbage is exactly what happens when people CONCEDE their RIGHTS and turn them into an ALLOWANCES by begging for PERMISSION SLIPS.

    Wanna defeat the 7 round business? Then REJECT the FALSE PREMISE that government is empowered to “allow” or “permit” exercise of the RIGHT to keep and the RIGHT to bear arms. OPPOSE all attempts to create permission slip structures from which malicious dictates like this example are born.

    Yes, it really is that simple.

  2. What would your reactions be if someone started addressing the group to have their microphone turned off? Then over the same P.A. system, a voice would then inform them that they did not have a permit for public speaking. That they was free to speak in their own home, as long as it was not public housing, or in their own business location is allowed. Other than that, they needed a ‘Public Speaking Permit’. We can not have people starting riots or insurrections, now can we? You are not trying to libel someone now, are you? You know that even with a ‘Public Speaking Permit’ you are limited to one hundred words. ‘No one needs more than one hundred words. More than that is just to cause trouble.
    When you fill out your ‘Permit’ request, you must submit;
    • Full Name
    • Maiden name
    • Gender
    • Current address
    • Five years of address history
    • Date and year of birth
    • Place of birth
    • Height, weight, hair color, eye color
    • Drivers license number
    • Last four digits of social number
    • recent color photo,
    • proof of ‘approved’ public speaking training
    • Full set of fingerprints
    • Date and place of birth
    • Drivers license or state ID number
    Any inconsistencies in the information will result in denial of application and investigation for fraud.
    You must sign that you will submit a copy of your speeches, ten working days in advance, and allow local law enforcement to check that your computers are properly secured and the content of all storage devices for dangerous material.
    This may give you something he could relate to.
    We could expand this to all printed material of over ten words. We could have a stamp applied to each document to prove that proper permit number person was responsible for it and all fees are being paid to support the permitting system.
    A voter in Illinois State Senate Dist. 49, State Representative Dist. 98

  3. I like the PSA. How do we run it in Mike Madigan’s district?

    If you follow the link in the video, you (eventually) get to a web page asking for donations to help support a TV series called “Shoot to Thrill”.

    Who are these guys? Are they associated with any larger 2nd Amendment organizations?

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