Here’s to good hunting on the part of the real police and any civilians who wish to assist in hunting down murdering lunatic Chris Dorner. And to a speedy recovery to any good guys who have been wounded.
Shoot Dorner down like the dog he is, fellas.
2 Deputies Shot In Standoff, Search For Christopher Dorner
BIG BEAR (CBSLA.com) — Two San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputies have been shot while pursuing a carjacking and home-invasion suspect in the Angelus Oaks area of Big Bear.
A law enforcement source confirms to the Associated Press that the assailant is triple-murder suspect Christopher Dorner.

Dorner’s goose is cooked.
Not thrilled with cops burning him out, a la the Branch Dividians at Waco, but all in all, a happy ending.
Without a doubt, those suspicious of government are making mental notes about how the cops ended the standoff, but the bottom line is that Mr. Dorner, the crazed, homicidal leftist, is burning in hell right now.
There was no way they were going to take him alive and give him a chance to talk.
CA police officials are now confirming they intentionally used near-incendiary smoke and CS grenades to flush him out in spite of much safer CS grenades being available. But it wasn’t a de facto execution because starting the fire “wasn’t our intention.”
Glad to see what’s left of that left-wing psychopath is somewhere north of medium-well, and yeah, even he declared he’d never be taken into custody alive. That doesn’t mean LE gets a free pass to go all Tony Montana on the suspect.